“Forgave Myself For The Anger That I Directed Towards Myself And To Others Who Hurt Me”
“The one session I had with Judy was amazing and eye opening. Judy created a safe space so we could explore issues around relationship, and she was able to guide me, using a Source-connected meditation, to my childhood where I faced myself– a very hurt and alone little boy– remembering the emotional pain he lived through in his family, my family. It was very emotional for me yet freeing. This connection helped me realize that I could let go and forgive him, forgive myself, for the anger that I directed towards myself and to others who hurt me. A very transformational journey! Thank you, Judy.”
“Your Digging Sessions Have Made A Huge Difference To Me”
I’ve been summing up the last year’s results and feel the urge to thank you again for appearing in my life in such a surprising way. Your book and your digging sessions have made a huge difference to me both for my day by day awareness and for the way I do the digging now. I am looking forward to have our mitochondria meet again in a new session.
“Leaky Bladder Issue Has Now Completely Cleared Up”
As a result of the session that I had with Judy in March ’11, I am amazed that a persistent leaky bladder issue has now completely cleared up…I just no longer have that problem. As far as my lack of confidence and being self conscious about my weight, for the first time in my life this has changed. It just isn’t an issue any longer. I looked in the mirror, and it was as if I was seeing myself, my real self, for the first time. I’m feeling as if a weight I’ve been carrying for a very long time has been lifted off my shoulders.
Thank you so much, and I’m looking forward to my next session, feeling very optimistic about the continued changes.”
“Depression Gone”
I had been experiencing depression symptoms for about 6-9 months. After getting checked out by medical doctors and working with several modalities of alternative practitioners, I had not found complete remission from my symptoms. Unwilling to accept anything less, I kept searching for answers.
A friend, who is a therapist, asked if I would consider seeing a medical intuitive. Having never really heard of that, I was a bit skeptical but open to the idea. I was amazed that in a single session, my symptoms were eliminated. Before I experienced ThetaHealing for myself, I don’t think I truly believed that instant healings were possible, but now I “own” that understanding because it happened to me–the depression is completely gone!
My symptoms have never returned in over 3 years—I don’t take or need any medications or supplements for mood issues. I am SO grateful!
Love and Light
“Emotional Hook Gone”
I recently had my first one hour session with Judy. Among other things, she discovered, and released, many emotional blocks…issues that I thought I had dealt with on my own. I was amazed, many times, by the way my body responded to her healing. About an hour after the session, I suddenly had sharp pain in my right shoulder. I sent Judy an email and asked if she could help. She explained to me why I had the pain (an emotional hook) and immediately did a healing with my permission. Almost immediately the pain was gone. To say I was surprised is an understatement. I was elated. Judy is incredibly skilled, and I feel blessed to have found her. Thank you, Judy!
“Physically Healed My Ribs Which Were Injured Years Ago”
“I highly recommend your ThetaHealing sessions AND your class to one and all! Judy, your kindness in working with me one-on-one in a healing session after class restored the part of me that needed to be returned to being my more joyful self. The healing physically healed my ribs which were injured years ago. I am now able to do all the range of motion I used to do. This includes being able lift up my arms up without being in pain. I am grateful and in awe of what you do! Thank you so much!”
“My Uterus Now Has Amazing Strength–Very Firmly Anchored Where It Belongs”
I was gifted a ½ hour ThetaHealing® session with Judy. In those 30 minutes, I presented her with several physical challenges that I had been experiencing for many years including Graves disease, a prolapse uterus and bladder, a hernia, and abdominal problems. With some quick belief work, though rather intense, and Creator’s healing, my uterus now has AMAZING strength–very firmly anchored where it belongs; my abdominal problems are about 90% healed, just an occasional flare up but not bad at all; once in a while the hernia aches, but just very mild in comparison to what it had been. I still have some challenges with the thyroid, but it’s not bouncing all over the board like it used to. I was so inspired by the session that I took the Basic ThetaHealing® in my area so I could continue my own work and help others.
Thank you, Judy. What a fabulous job you did with me! I am finally regaining my quality of life again after 5 years of pain and discomfort!
“ThetaHealing® Stopped Any Progression And Cleared The Ear And Infection”
I’ve had three ear surgeries in the past 35 years to clean up infections in my middle ear due to improper drainage. After my last surgery 15 years ago, the drainage problem returned 6 weeks ago. I decided to contact Judy for a ThetaHealing® session as I have used her in the past for digging sessions to clear up emotional issues that were connected to prostate-bladder issues. I had good success with it taking several sessions to clear the physical level.
This time it took only one ThetaHealing® session. There was some very minor drainage for a few days after this session, and then I made an appointment with an ENT specialist to verify the results from the ThetaHealing and determine if surgery was still needed. I was prescribed to take ear drops for 4 weeks to soften the 8 to 10 years of dried accumulations in my middle ear which had initially plugged the entry to the tube from my inner ear to my mouth. Once this was cleared, the doctor was particularly surprised that the tube from my ear to mouth was itself clean and without infection.
It is 7 weeks now and there is no drainage. I believe that ThetaHealing® stopped any progression and cleared the ear and infection. Whether the problem is minor or major, Judy is patient, compassionate and tenacious…she did not stop “digging’ until I was able to get to the core of the issue, and then she had Creator heal the problem. I highly recommend Judy as a ThetaHealing® practitioner.”
“Sciatic Pain Gone”
I had been experiencing sciatic pains in my leg for about a year, and the condition had been gradually worsening with time. By the time I had my appointment with Judy, it was painful to sit at my computer or drive my car. Additionally, my ability to handle stress was rapidly deteriorating, and I felt that I had unresolved emotional issues from my childhood that were seriously holding me back. It’s been over a week since my first ThetaHealing® session, and my sciatica has diminished dramatically. In fact, I hardly notice it anymore! I also feel an increased ability to observe my negative ego patterns without acting them out, and I’ve gained a deep sense of gratitude for the good things in my life. Thanks Judy!
“Tangible And Permanent Healing From Trauma”
I accomplished in one session with Judy what may have taken many months in traditional therapies, in addition to the time and money I saved. I actually received tangible and permanent healing from trauma, something I never received from years of therapy, counseling, and psychiatry. Judy’s technique in how she uses ThetaHealing® is so gentle and so effective that it was exactly what my fragile state needed in order to heal. Thank you with all of my heart!
“Guided Me In Repressed Childhood Sexual Abuse Memories With Compassion”
Judy has helped guide me through the treacherous and painful terrain of repressed childhood sexual abuse memories with compassion, grace, and a wisdom that only comes with years of personal and professional experience in the matter. She created a trusting and safe environment which allowed me to face and continue to heal the wounds that have kept me from experiencing and enjoying the full potential of my life. Judy is gifted counselor and intuitive healer, and for that I am deeply grateful.
“Cat Allergies Are Gone”
I have suffered with cat allergies all my life. This has been difficult because I love cats. Right before Judy came to stay at my home in Idaho Falls to participate in the World Relations Teachers’ seminar my children, Alex and Lexie, found four abandoned kittens due to a car accident killing their mother. Of course we couldn’t turn them away. When Judy arrived, she saw my obvious allergies with the kittens as I was bathing them often to keep the dander down. After one twenty minute session with Judy, I can now enjoy my kittens at a whole new level, without fear of what my allergies once had in store for me. Thank you, Judy! You truly are an amazing woman and ThetaHealer. We all love and appreciate you.
“I Met The Love Of My Life Within Days After”
I have had two ThetaHealing® sessions with Judy. After each session, my life changed dramatically within days. Things fell into place professionally in ways that I never thought would happen. People showed up in my life prepared and ready to take my work to the next level. It happened at a rate that sometimes still astonishes me. On personal level, I met the love of my life within days after working with Judy.
At each session, I am always brought to tears by the gentleness and simplicity that Theta brings to my transformation. Judy’s way with me is quiet, nurturing, honest and affirmative. I trust her with the truths of my soul and untruths of my ego.
I am honored and moved by the healing she brings into my life. I highly recommend Judy as a ThetaHealing® practitioner.
“Came Out Feeling Solid And Without Fear And Worry”
“I cannot put into words exactly what it is that Judy did for me. What I can say is that I went in riddled with worry and fear over my work as I am transitioning my focus again. I came out feeling solid and without fear and worry. My core is quiet and steady, and while I still do not know exactly where I am going, I know that I am on the right track. This feeling is invaluable when birthing a new creative concept and life direction. Thank you Judy.
“Lump Gone”
I came to Judy for a session around some belief changes and near the end of our time together, told her about a lump on my neck. She said she was shown through Creator that I had mercury in my lymph and that there was calcification. She proceeded to witness a healing. Within a few days, the lump was completely gone. Thank you, Judy!
“Twisted Nerves… My Body Back To Wellness”
After coming off an intense work schedule, I started experiencing numbness in my left hand, arm, shoulder, and face. I was thrown into a complete tailspin. I emailed Judy to see if she could do a quick scan on me. She witnessed, through Creator, that what I had was a pinched nerve in my T-1 area and that I had underlying fears of MS that needed to be cleared.
She also suggested that I seek the care of a chiropractor. I started chiropractic treatment which helped me greatly, but I also scheduled a session with Judy.
She witnessed a twisting of the nerves along my spinal column created by certain beliefs. We cleared them as well as some other childhood traumas that surfaced.
At my next appointment to the chiropractor, she remarked at how well everything looked and the adjustments were minimal. I feel that without Judy’s insight on treatment, or support in healing and clearing beliefs, I would have spent thousands of dollars in medical tests along with months of pain and fear. Using Theta, accompanied by her suggestions on alternative therapies, got my body back to wellness in a month. Amazing!
“Cleared Misconceptions Around Money And Lower Back Got Better”
I have had lower back pain for the past 9 years and have been going to a chiropractor anywhere from 2 to 6 times a month to correct it. I had one session with Judy about old beliefs on financial abundance never mentioning my chronic back pain. She cleared all my old misconceptions about money, and when the session was over, she asked me how my lower back felt. It felt great! She informed me that my old beliefs about money were the cause of my lower back pain. I have had no more pain since and have not been to the chiropractor. I would have never known that my back pain was directly related to the energy around my beliefs on money.
I highly recommend to anyone having a healing session with Judy. Her intuition and healing insight were miraculous for me.
“Daughter’s Rampant Tooth Decay Stopped”
My four year old daughter began experiencing severe tooth decay around her first birthday. Her diet was extremely healthy, including many whole grains, vegetables, and no sugar. Despite meticulous care including multiple brushings throughout the day and regular dental visits, her teeth continued to become brown, rotted, and full of holes.
At three, after she had a very stressful series of dental visits in which she had to have 10 cavities filled and 8 crowns inserted, Judy was recommended to us by a friend. Through hearing me speak of my issues during my daughter’s pregnancy and detecting that my daughter had been overwhelmed by Candida in utero, Judy used me to test my daughter’s beliefs, accessed her Higher Self to get permission in witnessing the belief changes and then performed a healing.
My daughter recently went for her first dental exam since the healing six months prior. For the first time in her life, she had no tooth decay! We are so grateful to Judy for her deep, insightful healing.
“I No Longer Allow Other People’s Opinions And Energy To Affect Me”
Judy is an extraordinary healing practitioner! She has helped the expansion of my awareness by having Creator teach me so much about love, joy, and healing in my life! One of the most significant changes I noticed is that I no longer allow other people’s opinions and energy to affect me. I used to take on their problems as my own but that has changed 180 degrees. Also, with the many belief changes, I noticed I have felt much more confident each day, that every day is a miracle filled with blessings! I’m so grateful for my experience and for all Judy has supported me with. Thank you, thank you!
“In Minutes, My Sadness Lifted, My Sore Throat, Glands And Dizziness Completely Disappeared”
I had been dealing with a sore throat and sore glands for 4 days, and on the 5th day, I woke up so dizzy that the room was spinning. Besides the sore throat and glands, I was coughing up dark yellow mucous signifying infection. Due to a phone call that had brought up painful memories, I was also experiencing deep sadness. Judy worked on me over the phone for 20 minutes. She saw a virus that was being held in place by disempowering beliefs and had Creator change them and the virus, which she saw disappear. In minutes, my sadness lifted, my sore throat, glands and dizziness completely disappeared, and the chest discomfort improved by about 80%. I felt stunned by not only the degree of improvement, but also by the speed. She is truly gifted.