I am a ThetaHealing® Master and Certificate of Science graduate having completed all the courses required for this advanced level of certification. The following is the summary of my journey including my ThetaHealing® Technique training.

My real birth name is Dragon. I honor my name as a sacred energy. It feels aligned as an identification of my purpose in ‘choosing’ this name prior to conception. In mythology, the Dragon protected the gems and jewels of the underworld. And so it is with all that I’ve learned in bringing our subconscious beliefs and programs to the surface for healing and transformation.
Through over 45 years of study and practice in several healing arts, both professionally and through deep personal transformation, I have assisted and supported many to become aware of their trauma patterns and heal them in more nurturing, safe, and empowering ways.
I started my personal journey as a dental hygienist eventually working for holistic dentists. Between birthing four children at home, I studied herbs and gardening at a local junior college in California, trained in being one of the first Hospice volunteers in that county while taking courses on Death and Dying at the local junior college.
In discovering the ancient healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu (similar to acupressure) in the late 70’s, I decided to focus and train in it. I did a 20-year mentorship with one of Mary Burmeister’s (founder) first students. By the 90’s, I also integrated a certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist into my practice.
I was also delving into my own deep trauma issues with the support of therapists and healers who used RET, inner journeying, shamanism, hypnotherapy, rebirthing, somatic/energy work, movement, breathwork and mindfulness practices. This helped me to trust within and retire from dental hygiene by the later 90’s so I could go full time into my healing practice.
In the late 90’s, while co-writing and co-editing “Multiple Journeys to One” on the integration of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID was once known as Multiple Personality Disorder), my inner guidance told me I would meet someone soon for my next step.

The following year, one of the writers for the book introduced me to Vianna Stibal, a medical intuitive and naturopath. It was an instant click. My journey as the first continuing practitioner and instructor of ThetaHealing® in California, started.
I implemented the taped transcriptions of Vianna’s beginning seminars, and had personal tutorials and sessions with her. I also helped edit and was a contributor to Vianna’s first edition book, ‘Go Up and Seek God’.
In having attained a high level of certification in ThetaHealing® Technique–Master Instructor and Certificate of Science–I have witnessed thousands of amazing healings, from broken bones mended in seconds to depression gone in one session to the fusion of dissociated personalities.
I also wrote the book, ‘Moving Beyond: Healing the Trauma of Physical and Sexual abuse through ThetaHealing®’ which was published by Vianna’s publishing company in 2009. By 2015, I knew the information needed major updating. The new “Moving Beyond Revised: Healing The Trauma From Childhood Abuse through the ThetaHealing® Technique”, has now been released. This 3-book series will provide the worldwide community with expanded tools to integrate non-dualistic spirituality and trauma healing awareness with those who were abused as children. [All three books PDFs can be purchased by clicking the book pictures]
Additionally, I’m a founding member of a special Project whose goal is to educate others in trauma healing through non dualistic spirituality, practical psychology and real science–The Moving Beyond Trauma Project. Along with the team members, our goal is to eventually be part of holistic centers for healing trauma from childhood abuse. I’ve been ‘shown’ that there will also be support in advanced technologies.
ThetaHealing® Technique has helped me with the extreme trauma that once permeated every facet of my life, to knowing that I’m loved, safe, whole, and taken care of on a daily basis. My connection with Creator-of-All inspires me to be the best that I can be, to live my life authentically, courageously, intuitively, with integrity, and to speak my truth with discernment and live it. It’s allowed my gifts and abilities to rise from deep within me and share them with others. This beautiful and love-based healing art has given me tools and skills that will continue to assist my life in transformative ways.
Doing the work through Source-of-All reminds and realigns me with the sacredness and synchronicities of life’s journey. I continue to clear my own beliefs, stay present to my ‘innerscape,’ process feelings and memories, and be more creatively engaged with the outer world through easier, fun and collaborating experiences. What better way is there to be in order to assist others to do the same and experience their healing, purpose, and passion?! It has brought me together with many of my soul family members to further support humanities’ need for deeper connection and healing particularly from childhood trauma.
During this period of increased trauma and transition, taking time to practice self care and a daily focused connection with the Divine Source energy (that is always a part of us wherever we are) is so supportive, calming and transformational. You can check the meditation at https://theflowofhealing.com/my-practice/ (and scroll down on that page) to experience this.
We are all needed at this time, to step up in our lives in a very different way by bringing ourselves fully ‘here’ and in alignment with our hearts and passion. At this time, I am thus only scheduling past clients as I transition to being more involved with creating mentorships, online group support and practicums for trauma healing through the Project’s upcoming programs. These will be based on Thetahealing® Technique and the books’ revised content. I do have referrals to those who have previously studied with me so feel free to email me.
With many blessings…
Judy Dragon
ThetaHealing® Master, Certificate of Science, Minister
Emotional, Spiritual & Psychological Trauma Healing, Belief transformation, Empowering Communication and Genuine Care

*Official Certifications
Basic Theta/DNA 1–Vianna’s first class outside of Idaho
6/98 Sebastopol, Ca.
Basic Theta/DNA 1
7/98 Vianna suggested I start teaching
Theta/DNA 2- Gene Replacement
10/98 Santa Rosa, CA
5/99 San Rafael, CA
Theta/DNA 2-Four level belief work
1/2000 Los Angeles, Ca.
Basic Theta/DNA practitioners’ certification
1/01 Union City, CA
6/01 Idaho
11/07 Idaho
Basic Theta/DNA Teacher’s certification
6/00 Wyoming
11/05 Idaho
11/07 Idaho
5/10 Bahamas
5/23 Online
Advanced Practitioners’ certification
9/03 Santa Rosa, CA
Advanced Instructors’ certification
2/05 Los Angeles, CA.
5/10 Bahamas
6/23 Online
Intuitive Anatomy 3-week Practitioners’ certification
7/02 Idaho
7/05 Idaho
7/07 Idaho
Intuitive Anatomy Teachers’ 3-week practitioners’ certification
8/09 Idaho (received Masters status)
Abundance and Manifestation Practitioner/Instructor certification
9/07 Idaho
2/18 Mexico
Disease and Disorder 2-wk Practitioner certification
11/08 Idaho
Disease and Disorder 2-wk Instructors’ certification
8/11 Idaho
World Relations Practitioners’ certification
11/08 Idaho
World Relations Instructors’ certification
10/09 Idaho
9/12 Idaho
6/16 Montana
10/23 Online
Intuitive Child In Me Instructors’ certification
11/08 Idaho
DNA3 Practitioners’ certification
11/09 Idaho
11/10 Idaho
DNA3 Instructors’ certification
9/11 Idaho
Weight Liberation Practitioners’ certification
8/11 Idaho
Weight Liberation Instructors’ certification
9/11 Idaho
Soul Mate Practitioners’ certification
8/11 Idaho
Soul Mate Instructors’ certification
9/11 Idaho
Received Certificate of Science status
9/11 Idaho
Animal and Plant Practitioner and Instructor certification
9/13 Idaho
Game of Life Practitioner certification
9/13 Idaho
Planes of Existence Practitioner certification
9/13 Idaho
Planes of Existence Instructors’ certification
9/15 Montana
Digging Deeper Practitioner and Instructors’ certification
6/15 Montana
‘You and Your Significant Partner’ Practitioner and Instructors’ certification
2/18 Mexico
‘You and God’ Practitioner and Instructors’ certification
2/18 Mexico
You & Your Inner Circle Practitioner Certification
5/23 Online
You & Your Inner Circle Instructor Certification
6/23 Online
You & The Earth Practitioner Certification
6/23 Florida
Love of Self Practitioner Certification
12/23 Online
Basic DNA Enhancement Part 1: The Planes of Existence
3/24 Online