This is a very essential period in our planetary evolution. We are here to help create a new flow of thought, presence and action in order to shift the misaligned into new structures of grounded alliances and peaceful co-existence.
I have been working with intuitive professionals, entrepreneurs, and parents who feel limited by past traumas and difficult childhood experiences. Our work together has helped them to go deep into their beliefs and memories (whether conscious or repressed) and heal by using different modalities. I particularly utilize the innerstanding of the ThetaHealing® Technique for the last 26 years.
I will soon be offering different services through the Moving Beyond Trauma Project
In completing the revision and expansions of my three-book series, “Moving Beyond Revised: Healing the Trauma of Childhood Abuse through the ThetaHealing Technique,” my mission is being re-structured through the contents of my new books [Click the book picture on the right side to purchase.] and a wonderful Project. This Project is in collaboration with other ThetaHealers, the Project’s Moving Beyond Trauma team, and those we want to bring our service of healing and education from childhood trauma and abuse.
I will soon be offering different services through The Moving Beyond Trauma Project. Thus, I am only scheduling past clients for private sessions on a very limited basis. Private sessions through other trained and trauma- educated practitioners will be on the project’s website shortly. More information is shared on ‘My Journey’ page.
In Creator’s Love & Light
Judy Dragon