“This class helped me quickly find and heal deep issues”
The ‘You and Creator’ ThetaHealing® workshop with Judy was remarkable! Through this class, Judy taught me how to clear my mental and emotional blocks and find the root causes that were holding me back. After using these methods to heal myself, I have far less anxiety and fears with current day-to-day life. This class taught me how to look into past experiences, find the underlying pattern, figure out how these patterns were helping me, and then learn how to find a new way to learn the virtues with love.
I highly recommend this class with Judy for anyone who would like to heal any major issue or reoccurring issue. I have been consistently practicing ThetaHealing for about 6 years, and this class helped me quickly find and heal deep issues. Now I’m excited to move forward and allow more love into my life!
“My life was changed in the most profound way doing the ‘You and Creator’ course facilitated by Judy.”
My life was changed in the most profound way doing the ‘You and Creator’ course facilitated by Judy. Her depth of knowledge and awareness of the limits of human conditioning and how it can hold us back from truly experiencing Love and Joy, is unique and essential for the growth and evolution of humanity. What a blessing she is with the safe container that she provides to allow the release of repressed or suppressed emotions/memories, which is a testament to her dedication to the WORK. Thank you from the bottom of my healing heart.
“I have been searching for a master teacher in ThetaHealing® for a long time, and I can now say that I'm lucky enough to have found her. ”
Judy’s incredible depth of knowledge around ThetaHealing and trauma resolution is a gift to our planet at this time. During ‘You and Creator’ workshop, I was in awe of her organization of materials and mastery of presentation with a full powerpoint. I see myself learning for many years to come from her as I advance my understanding of ThetaHealing and the trauma work she has integrated. Thank you, Judy, and the Universe for this amazing blessing.
“Judy has incredible knowledge and experience to help students to understand better.”
I took the Basic and Advanced Workshops with Judy in March and April of 2019. Since participating, I have more understanding about myself though I have more to learn. It has already helped me to live in a more positive lifestyle. I love this modality– where we are the witness to healings for the Creator-of-All. I liked everything in the workshops–learning about the 7 Planes of Existence, Belief Work, Creator’s downloads, digging. I feel the most enthusiastic about the belief work–releasing all the negative beliefs that don’t serve us. Judy was very helpful–she had the patience to help me when I needed a little more time. She has incredible knowledge and experience to help students to understand better.
“I Was Able To Get Closure On Severe Childhood Physical Trauma”
I attended the ‘Basic DNA Healing’ and ‘Advanced DNA’ workshops Judy led in early 2017. I found her to be knowledgeable and great at her craft. During only one part of the Advanced workshop with Judy, I was able to get closure on severe childhood physical trauma that I couldn’t resolve any other way I tried. The very next day, I experienced an increase in range of motion in the affected area. It seems the impact of the original injury completely disappeared. At another part of the same workshop, I ended a grudge I’d been carrying for 20 years. Clearing that out has made me more open to compassion and love in my day-to-day life. The more I do this work, the more effective I am with my family, my friends, and my clients. I confidently recommend Judy for ThetaHealing seminars and one-on-one work.
“Lessons Are Well Organized And Enhanced With Clear And Beautiful Slide Presentations”
I have taken Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper workshops and practicums from Judy in 2017. I would highly recommend that anyone wanting to develop knowledge and skills of ThetaHealing, take a class with her. Her lessons are well organized and enhanced with clear and beautiful slide presentations. But most important to me, was the encouragement and support in learning to practice ThetaHealing.
Students are guided through the processes as they practice working together. She would gently step in when I felt unsure of my next step; always encouraging and positive. After my most recent class with Judy, I feel prepared to be able to start my Theta Healing practice. I am confident that I will be able to help the clients that I meet with.
“Judy Has Even Developed Complimentary Curriculum On The Healing Of The Inner Child”
I was curious about ThetaHealing for a long time through friends and connections; and then personal experience in receiving a few sessions. Every person I spoke with highly recommended Judy.
I took the Basic and Advanced (2017) with Judy. She has supported me personally to ask the hard questions of myself to knock the dust off my unresolved issues and move forward with my goals. She is enormously talented, intuitive, caring, and nonjudgmental. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the table and is delighted to work with curious people like myself. Judy has even developed complimentary curriculum on the healing of the inner child, a method I have watched personally with amazing results.
As I grow in health, my work and school performance has skyrocketed and my confidence increases every day. I would highly recommend the ThetaHealing Technique to literally anyone. And as for a teacher – I’m so grateful to have found Judy.
“Gave Me So Many Healing Tools I Can Now Use With Clients, Loved Ones And Bring To The World.”
Taking Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing workshop in May and July 2016 gave me so many healing tools I can now use with clients, loved ones and bring to the world. I experienced a lot of healing during the classes as well as had many insights and realizations about my own patterns of reacting and behaviors. The workshops cleared up many of my personal negative beliefs and programs. My awareness was expanded, and beliefs that I wasn’t even aware of came to surface for clearing. I had a chance to change many during the classes which ultimately changed my life again. I have studied many healing modalities, and from my experience, ThetaHealing is the fastest way to change one’s life and clear out negative beliefs and programs from the subconscious.
I am very grateful to Judy for this opportunity in healing and for introducing ThetaHealing in such a clear and thorough manner. She is an excellent teacher and is committed to providing quality training for practitioners. I have heard from others, who have taken ThetaHealing from other instructors that they haven’t learned many of the things that Judy has covered in her classes. If you are thinking of learning ThetaHealing, I highly recommend learning it from Judy to ensure you receive proper training.
Thank you so much and see you at one of your online practicums ?
“She Is Clear, Concise, Patient, And Warmly Supportive.”
Judy has definitely found her calling with ThetaHealing along with the sharing of it with others. I took the Basic with her in 2009, and literally waited to move back to my town to be able to get my Advanced certification with her in March 2016. She is clear, concise, patient, and warmly supportive. It is my plan to continue to work with her as a student and a client. I can’t recommend her enough!
“I Loved Her Teaching Style, Hands-On Exercises, And Amazing PowerPoint Presentation.”
Deciding to take the ThetaHealing Basic in December 2015 and then the Advanced class in March 2016 from Judy, were the best things I’ve ever done for myself…they have changed my life!
Judy chose me to do the digging in front of the class for the Basic. I have been living the last 20 years with a huge part me myself missing, lying to myself that I must have been healed from the brutal homicide of my mother, but I wasn’t. During the digging, Judy had Creator return a huge soul fragment back to me. I cry tears of gratitude just writing this! After the workshop, I was integrating and evaluating all the shifts and energy work that was done. I have to say that I am in an entirely new space. It is a profound shift, and for that, I am forever grateful.
The other healings I experienced on a personal level from the classes are, in themselves, worth every penny that the classes cost. The Advanced class brought everything together that was introduced in the Basic. The tools and life skills I’ve learned are phenomenal…how to stay connected to Spirit and grounded simultaneously. Just doing the ThetaHealing meditation every morning has changed my life.
Judy is a wonderful teacher. I loved her teaching style, hands-on exercises, and amazing PowerPoint presentation. She is passionate about her work, and I could feel her genuine love and support for every student as she connected with each one.
I’ve finally found a potent modality that can truly help my family, my clients, and myself heal on so many levels. Thank you for loving humanity enough to teach us this wonderful modality. In gratitude!
“Judy Has Helped Me Heal Parts Of Myself I Thought Were Broken…”
I met Judy in December of 2009 where she spoke to my area on ThetaHealing. I decided to then take the Basic Thetahealing in February 2010. Though I had a really good feeling about the Advanced workshop, I didn’t decide to take it until March 2016. I am so glad I did! Judy is such an amazing intuitive and teacher. She had the answer for every question our class could possibly ask, and her workshops are loaded with so much information and knowledge about Thetahealing. After the Advanced was over, I felt a huge shift in my life. I now wake up every day feeling wonderful…my depression is completely gone! I feel that it’s easier to love and value myself, that I am wanting to feed my body healthier foods. Judy has helped me heal parts of myself I thought were broken, and I will forever be grateful to her and the work that she does.
“I Left Feeling Empowered And Positively Changed Forever.”
I have been blessed to have had incredible teachers in my life, and I am now even more blessed to add Judy Dragon to my list of teachers. I took her Advanced ThetaHealing course in March 2016. Judy shared her years of knowledge in a way that was easy for everyone in the group to understand, even complex information. I left feeling empowered and positively changed forever. Thanks sooo much Judy.
“She Is So Clear, Direct, Compassionate, Non-Judgmental, And She Creates A Safe Environment For Students To Work”
I first found Judy years ago by receiving private sessions with her, which opened up some places within myself that I was not able to see prior. She supported me through some challenging times that actually gave me some awareness and relief, understanding and breakthroughs.
Out of my curiosity, I wanted to learn more. I took her Basic ThetaHealing workshop in 2011 and then completed the Advanced workshop in March 2016.
Judy is an amazing teacher! She is so clear, direct, compassionate, non-judgmental, and she creates a safe environment for students to work and clear on core belief issues. For me, these qualities are important part of the work. I find ThetaHealing more powerful then the average talk therapy. It’s strong and effective bringing more Light to Life! I highly recommend Judy’s work to anyone who needs support, safety, understanding and help in Moving Beyond!
Thank you, Judy for your great work on the planet!
“I Am Able To Get In Touch With Creator Much More Quickly Now”
I attended the Basic DNA and Advanced DNA classes in July ’16 with only one week in between. I liked Judy’s professional and methodical approach to the subject matter. And Judy’s passion for ThetaHealing was very inspirational. I helped myself while learning to help others. The exercises we did during the classes cleared so much of my junk, and I received a lot of beneficial downloads from Judy. I felt all of my chakras opening more and more as the days went by. When I returned home, everything was different. It was like I was learning to walk again with my new legs. I made a shift, and I like the new place I am in. Also, I am able to get in touch with Creator much more quickly now and my meditations are so much deeper.
Thank you, Judy, for a wonderful experience. Love…
“The Words I Have For These Instant Healings And How I Felt After This Class Is Nothing Short Of An Amazing Miracle!”
In May 2014, I had my first amazing experience with Judy’s Basic ThetaHealing DNA. I was truly inspired by Judy’s accurate intuitive perception, and the information she receives from Creator-All-That-IS. Each day I woke up after a class, I thought, “So this is how it feels to wake up feeling loved unconditionally”. I am grateful for this new way of being, within and without!
During areas of practice in class, I visualized the MS lesions I have had, changing and commanded Creator-of-All to release, resolve, and changed my beliefs surrounding the need to have Multiple Sclerosis. On June 2, 2014, a day after the weekend workshop, I had an appointment for a MRI of the brain. The results indicated that the lesions had lessened in numbers and intensity. This is a huge change from my previous MRI in Jan 2014, which indicated I had increased lesions and progression of disease activity.
Other healings occurred while practicing the “Digging” technique. After I was released from hooks and chords, I felt a very deep sense of forgiveness towards my mother, a feeling of such awe and love towards her, for Creator, and for myself. I was speechless. I felt a sense of being grounded, and calm deep within. I felt like I had aligned so “perfectly” and deeply with Creator that I just knew I was going to be okay.
The words I have for these instant healings and how I felt after this class is nothing short of an amazing Miracle! I find it difficult to express how truly grateful I am for Judy’s generosity in assisting me to take this course, for embracing my spirit, and for sharing so unconditionally the power of healing through the Creator-of-All. I look forward to sharing this amazing gift with others, and continuing the journey of self-healing! Thank you so very much.
“I Became More Confident In The Digging Process… The Key To Unraveling The Belief Systems”
I met Judy in May 2012 when I attended the Basic ThetaHealing workshop she taught in Bishop, California. It was an amazing class, and I knew I wanted more, which resulted in taking the Advanced class. Judy is an excellent teacher and guide for this journey. I decided to start personal sessions with Judy and that was when I was able to see and feel the impact of her miraculous work as a healer.
In May 2015, I decided to repeat the Basic ThetaHealing class to explore the foundations of the system that has been so helpful. I became more confident in the digging process, which is the key to unraveling the belief systems that act as barriers to health and joy. The hours spent in and out of Theta for the 3 days, along with Judy’s teachings and her ability to see into the essence of all the students through her connection with the Creator truly set the stage for many insights for all of us. Thank you Judy!
“She Responds To Questions With An Even Greater Depth Of Knowledge”
I attended Judy’s Basic DNA course and the Advanced Course in Feb/March of 2015. Judy’s teaching is clear. She responds to questions with an even greater depth of knowledge. After 32 years of being a psychotherapist, it is exciting to learn a new and profound way of working with clients. I understand now the enormous healing potential of ThetaHealing because of my clients’ experience in a new way of being in life through the Belief and then Feeling (Downloads) work after the Digging process.
I have referred several of my clients to Judy who needed, very much, her expertise. I trust her…she has great integrity and a wonderful sense of humor. Please know that you will be in excellent hands learning from her.
“I’ve Cleared Memories From Childhood And Immediately Noticed Changes In My Life.”
I was part of Judy’s Basic & Advanced ThetaHealing courses in the Spring of 2015, and it was incredible. I’ve previously been trained in Reiki and studied a few different healing modalities, and ThetaHealing is the most effective one I’ve seen so far. Judy is a fantastic teacher and uses her many years of experience to solidify the learning of concepts in her classes.
Through these two courses, I’ve cleared memories from childhood and immediately noticed changes in my life. I’d highly recommend her classes for anyone who seems stuck in their lives or would like to easily change problems from their past.
“Judy Is An Amazing Treasure, And I Feel Blessed To Have Been Taught By Her”
I had the very good fortune to do my ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced Training with Judy in December 2014 and March 2015. Judy is an amazing treasure, and I feel blessed to have been taught by her – her remarkably finely-tuned intuitive senses, combined with her solid, unwavering connection with All-That-Is, not to mention her extensive experience with ThetaHealing, make her a true master of this healing art, and an inspiration to her students.
On the second day I was chosen to be the demonstration for the belief work in front of the Basic class. Judy intuitively knew I had an issue with a fear of heights and so we went into belief work on that topic. Under Judy’s expert guidance, I got right to the root of the issue, which took me to a traumatic experience in a past life where I had made the difficult decision to lead my tribe in jumping to our deaths rather than be annihilated by an invading enemy.
Not only did Judy successfully facilitate the clearing of the fear of heights, but she also unraveled and cleared fears around leadership and discernment that had also sprung from that traumatic experience – all in a session that took a little over half an hour! I immediately felt lighter, empowered and more focused. I have since traveled over bridges and been on exposed cliffs that used to cause me great panic and confirmed that my old fear of heights has been completely changed!
Even during the weekend of the training, I had powerful results from using the techniques on my family and am very excited to be bringing it to my healing practice. Theta is truly a healing modality of our time; one that can clear blockages, dis-eases, phobias and more in a matter of minutes! Thank you!
“…Deeply Seen And Cared For With Profound Insights Into Some Of My Earliest Traumas”
I was graced to have Judy as my teacher for the Basic and the Advanced ThetaHealing trainings in January and February ’15. She is a unique human being and Master healing practitioner. Her knowledge, insight and love of ThetaHealing is boundless being able to address patterns as well as any traumas under them like a cat-scan. I watched her work with one participant clearing a childhood emotional wound and deep fear that had affected the person all her life that was gone in 40 minutes I witnessed her work with Creator to change acute pain from another student within seconds…completely gone.
My personal experience was being deeply seen and cared for with profound insights into some of my earliest traumas. It allowed me to be able to see, be with, re-experience, with the possibility of breaking-free of, the grip that I had been stuck in my whole life. I found Judy to be wise, profound, compassionate, generous in her caring, and sharing a gift of God.