“…This Is The Most Amazing Energy Healing Modality I’ve Ever Experienced.”
I attended Judy’s Basic ThetaHealing® Workshop in Jan ’06. I am a level II Reiki as well as having attended many Pranic healing sessions, and I must say this is the most amazing energy healing modality I’ve ever experienced. It was extraordinary and transforming in its depth and the quickness in which it can heal on the mental, emotional, physical, and soul level, using its unique teachings/belief work. I left wanting to rush into the Advanced Class and eventually train as an instructor in order to incorporate it into my private counseling practice. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone and everyone regardless of experience or knowledge.
“There Was A Great Sense Of Gratitude For How Changing Beliefs Is Changing The World!”
I loved the September ’10 Basic ThetaHealing® class and think it was well-paced and jam-packed. As a teacher of mine used to say, “Let’s work smarter not harder”.
In May ’11, I also took the Manifestation and Abundance workshop with Judy. I loved the weekend and felt many huge shifts after being the person who was used as the class demonstration for the “digging” session for belief changes. After the class, I had a big download of project and purpose inspiration. I asked Creator for a sign in being on the right tract, and within 5 minutes found myself driving straight into a rainbow that looked like it was standing on end like a pillar of light…. Amazing! There was a great sense of gratitude for how changing beliefs is changing the world!
“I’m Not So Afraid Anymore”
To say that Judy’s Theta work was life altering for me is an understatement. I participated with Judy in the demonstration for digging in her April ’06 Basic Theta course. She uncovered some long buried memories that were keeping me very stuck in certain areas of my life. By bringing the memories to the surface, she was able to help me change beliefs that have been lingering since early childhood. Since the class, I’ve been much more comfortable with myself and being in the world – I’m not so afraid anymore. Learning this technique has helped me clear even more damaging beliefs and has allowed me to help my daughter release anger and clear her acne, which of course has changed her life. I will definitely use this method throughout my life and am extremely excited about taking the Advanced Theta course. Many, many thanks Judy!
“…She Created A Very Safe And Solid Foundation For Me To Be Open And Move Forward.”
I have taken 2 classes with Judy— the Fall of ‘10 Basic and Advanced Theta workshops. She is extremely competent and instructs with clarity and precision. She truly is
ThetaHealing® master. As a student, it is important to me that the teacher put her students’ needs first. She personally “walked” me up to the 7th Plane and helped me find the results I was seeking. I also have had sessions privately with her, and she created a very safe and solid foundation for me to be open and move forward.
If learning about the higher truth within yourself is important to you, as it is for me, than I highly recommend Judy. I learned what was in my way and how to step through it. She made all the difference in my life in helping me see my part. Now, I live with this connection and focus everyday…a dream come true. With Gratitude.
“Daughter’s Rampant Tooth Decay Stopped”
My four year old daughter began experiencing severe tooth decay around her first birthday. Her diet was extremely healthy, including many whole grains, vegetables, and no sugar. Despite meticulous care including multiple brushings throughout the day and regular dental visits, her teeth continued to become brown, rotted, and full of holes.
At three, after she had a very stressful series of dental visits in which she had to have 10 cavities filled and 8 crowns inserted, Judy was recommended to us by a friend. Through hearing me speak of my issues during my daughter’s pregnancy and detecting that my daughter had been overwhelmed by Candida in utero, Judy used me to test my daughter’s beliefs, accessed her Higher Self to get permission in witnessing the belief changes and then performed a healing.
My daughter recently went for her first dental exam since the healing six months prior. For the first time in her life, she had no tooth decay! We are so grateful to Judy for her deep, insightful healing.
“I No Longer Allow Other People’s Opinions And Energy To Affect Me”
Judy is an extraordinary healing practitioner! She has helped the expansion of my awareness by having Creator teach me so much about love, joy, and healing in my life! One of the most significant changes I noticed is that I no longer allow other people’s opinions and energy to affect me. I used to take on their problems as my own but that has changed 180 degrees. Also, with the many belief changes, I noticed I have felt much more confident each day, that every day is a miracle filled with blessings! I’m so grateful for my experience and for all Judy has supported me with. Thank you, thank you!
“In Minutes, My Sadness Lifted, My Sore Throat, Glands And Dizziness Completely Disappeared”
I had been dealing with a sore throat and sore glands for 4 days, and on the 5th day, I woke up so dizzy that the room was spinning. Besides the sore throat and glands, I was coughing up dark yellow mucous signifying infection. Due to a phone call that had brought up painful memories, I was also experiencing deep sadness. Judy worked on me over the phone for 20 minutes. She saw a virus that was being held in place by disempowering beliefs and had Creator change them and the virus, which she saw disappear. In minutes, my sadness lifted, my sore throat, glands and dizziness completely disappeared, and the chest discomfort improved by about 80%. I felt stunned by not only the degree of improvement, but also by the speed. She is truly gifted.
“My Vision In That Eye Has Improved”
When I first started working with you a few years ago, you were scanning my body and remarked about some cloudiness in the back of my left eye and wanted to know if I wanted it cleared….I said yes. I never told you what happened because it was like life just goes on, but Judy, my vision in that eye has improved! When it was time to renew my driver’s license, I had my eyes checked about the need for wearing glasses while driving, and the doctor verified how much they had improved. Thank you!
“Our Work Together Opened A Door In My Soul”
It was a pleasure and an honor to work with you. I could never have done this healing on being sexually abused without you. All I know is our work together opened a door in my soul that otherwise had not been previously opened. I am so excited to see where it takes me and what I can manifest/heal now. And I am taking it very easy, staying hydrated and getting rest.
“There Was An Immediate Difference In My Feet After The Healing Work”
I fractured my right fibula and left metatarsal falling off my front steps at the end of February ’06. I received the medical attention I needed. In mid-March, I had an appointment with Judy. As there really are no accidents, we worked on beliefs and corresponding feelings and memories that had set the energy for my mishap. This was my ‘breaks to awaken.” There was an immediate difference in my feet after the healing work.
Before the healing, my feet were so tender, bruised and sensitive, I could barely touch them. Afterwards, I could massage them and had the feeling I lived in them again.
My recovery has progressed very rapidly and only after 4 weeks I was walking on my own and steady on my feet. I thank Judy, and Creator so much.
“I Got To See All Of The Dots Connect As Everything Was Cleared Away, Healed, And I Felt Completely Transformed”
The September ’10 Basic ThetaHealing® workshop was so much more than I ever imagined it to be. When I was chosen to be the person to go through the belief work in front of the class, I was astounded to see that so much of the decisions I made about myself came from beliefs and patterns which were formed through experiences when I was 5 years old. I got to see all of the dots connect as everything was cleared away, healed, and I felt completely transformed. I now have an expanded capacity for freedom in my life and tools to continue to work with outside of the workshop. I would highly recommend Judy as a ThetaHealing® instructor and practitioner to anyone who is open and ready to explore and clear what is in the way of having the amazing health and life they can have and deserve on all levels.
“Judy Has An Intuitive Ability To Address The Very Issues That Are Holding Us Back”
Judy is an incredible teacher, not only because she has done the work herself and transformed her life in a multitude of ways, but because she knows how to apply those life changing epiphanies to her students! I am honored to have studied with her, and to have gained insight and perspectives directly from her. And I am also deeply touched by her heartfelt support as a practitioner and guide. Judy has an intuitive ability to address the very issues that are holding us back, not only as theta practitioners of the future, but also as clients healing the wounds of our past!! Judy will assist you to remember who you are, and in doing so will assist you to heal the deepest wounds of this lifetime and many others which will ultimately reveal your highest purpose.
“…In Less Than 20 Minutes, My Incredible Fear Of Snakes Was Gone.”
The ThetaHealing® workshops that I participated in from Judy have been life changing. After taking the Basic DNA ThetaHealing™ class in September ’09, I went home to do a “distant/remote” healing on my aunt who has dementia. She has been on a feeding tube for more than a year, has been unable to walk and has been incontinent. She is now able to eat three meals a day without a tube, feed herself, able to walk with the assistance of a walker and is no longer incontinent. My relatives and I are overjoyed with my aunt’s progress.
During the Advance workshop in October ’09, I was used as a class demonstration, and in less than 20 minutes, my incredible fear of snakes was gone.
Judy is an exceptional teacher! I am so very grateful to have met her and to have taken the two ThetaHealing™ workshops. I will be taking the ThetaHealing® Manifesting and Abundance workshop with her in December. I highly recommend her as both a instructor and healer.
“I Recommend This Workshop To Anyone Who Is Ready To See Their Life In A Deeper, Richer Perspective.”
I took the ThetaHealing® Basic and Advanced workshops (1/08 & 12/08) with Judy. Both were amazingly life changing experiences. Judy is a great teacher, experienced, charismatic, inspiring, with a good sense of humor who doesn’t mind answering a great deal of questions even from engineering types like me. At the Advanced class, I learned so much about myself that I didn’t realize before (at least consciously). I benefited tremendously from the many Creator’s teachings that Judy witnessed for the class and the digging exercises to find the bottom beliefs. The recreation of the broken soul and heart exercise during the Advanced workshop was unbelievably profound. I recommend this workshop to anyone who is ready to see their life in a deeper, richer perspective.
“Active Acne That Was On My Face, Neck, Ear….All Scabbed Over”
I only had one session that included the Theta DNA activation, gene replacements, teachings and an unconditional love healing with Judy, and I don’t know how to rationalize all that happened after. Judy told me I was dehydrated during the session and that I would detoxify. I woke up sweating and thirsty, drinking 3 glasses of water. The headache that I had, disappeared. The active acne that was on my face, neck, ear….all scabbed over. It just healed. We weren’t even working on this consciously. I have/had a dark brown mole on the side of my face, the kind that stands out from the surface, and the top just dried and peeled off today (it was there for years). There is still something that was beneath it, but it appears to be “deflating.” All of this has gotten me excited to experience my next session.
“Neck Problems And Severe Headache Changed”
I had a neck problem that was giving me severe headaches for about a week that would only go away with advil. At about midnight, after a week of dealing with this, I got an acute and extreme pain in the back of my head. Flipped out and convinced that it was a brain aneurysm or something worse, I spoke to Judy and had a session with her. Within minutes, she found the root of the most severe of the pain and explored some stresses and beliefs I was experiencing that was keeping the pain trapped.
I was completely skeptical and ready to go to the ER for a catscan and emergency brain surgery before I called. Minutes into our session, I was convinced of an incredible power that I had been allowed to be a part of. It was eye-opening and incredible, and it made me feel so much better.
“Elbowed In Eye…Pain Gone And No Bruising”
I was attending a dance workshop with Judy when she accidentally elbowed me in the left eye. It was not a subtle nudge, but a fairly good blow–I saw stars. Judy asked if she could perform a healing on my eye, and that she could prevent a black eye and any associated swelling. I agreed. We sat down. Judy requested permission to look inside my body. I could feel movement underneath my left eye. It took only a few minutes, and then she was done. I was fine for the rest of the day. I did not get a black eye or any swelling. It was great!
“Excruciating Neck And Shoulder Pain Gone In 15 Minutes”
I’m Judy’s younger daughter, and my mom has used Jin Shin Jyutsu on me since before I was born. Mom never gave my siblings or myself antibiotics. Jin Shin was our main source of “medicine,” being raised with this along with herbs and homeopathy. It is what I think of to stay healthy. I live in Italy now, and I often think how nice it would be to have a treatment when I get sick. Mom has shown me self-help care over the years, and I have used it on friends too.
Also, one night when I lived in England working as a waitress, I was up almost the entire night with excruciating neck and shoulder pain from carrying trays. I wasn’t sure I could go to work later in the morning. I called my mom, and she worked on me with ThetaHealing. In about 15 minutes, the pain was gone. I fell asleep and worked that day with no problem. It was a new experience to receive ThetaHealing instead of Jin Shin, but it worked!
“I Now Have A Strong Understanding Of My Life’s Purpose.”
Thank you so much, Judy, for the wonderful Basic August ’08 workshop! My mother and I enjoyed it very much. I feel so different, much more aware of my intuition. The evening I came home from the workshop, my younger sister said to me, “I feel that you are different in a good way, and I feel that your presence is filled with knowledge”. I have clearer visions of things that are coming in the future, and these things come true shortly after. In talking to people, phrases pop into my mind, and I know what they are going to say, and they do! I just smile when it happens.
I have begun communicating with my house pets, and they tell me what’s happening with them. I’ve seen my pets change after working with them, and they are happier and healthier.
I am using the healing techniques on my family sending them unconditional love. After working on my mom’s shoulder, which has been bothering her for years, she has noticed a tremendous improvement and the pain has disappeared. After “digging” on her beliefs, I was able to command and witness change and clearing that were holding her back, and she feels very relieved.
My mom worked with me and checked my body to see what was going on inside. She said it was very interesting because she got very little audio input (clairaudience) and mainly saw everything happen (clairvoyance) with several things disappearing instantly.
I can also see inside the body locating different conditions. I go to Creator and ask for those things to released, and I watch as they disappear into Creator’s light. The whole process is really amazing to witness, and the results have been instantaneous. The possibilities of using these techniques are endless, and I know this is something I will be doing for the rest of my life.
In asking Creator questions about my life, I now have a strong understanding of my life’s purpose. I am here to help others to achieve a higher consciousness and help the earth. Clearing my own beliefs allows me to feel lighter and calmer, showing me that life is really joyous, and I am simply here to co-create and have fun!
I have a strong desire to advance in my knowledge and awareness through ThetaHealing®, and to tap further into the abilities I have within me. I can hardly wait for December’s Advanced workshop. I’m extremely excited! I can’t really run out of good things to say as I am so grateful to have found you, Judy, and ThetaHealing.
“All The Support Given To Me Was What I Needed.”
Thanks again for the great October ’05 workshop, Judy! All the support given to me was what I needed. I talked to my mom, who has taken the Basic Theta Workshop in Florida, and she didn’t learn half of what I did! So, thanks for packing it all in there.