Quote for Reflection: Without reflection, we go blindly on our way.~Margaret Wheatley
Many reflections
As 2021 comes to an end, I’ve been going through many deep reflections about life, relationships, and my heartfelt passions. This came up more recently when a FB friend and I shared some of our reflections in what we’ve learned in the past two years.
About four years ago, I did a blog called ‘What I learned’. I decided to use that as a spring board to complete this chapter of my life in writing the monthly ‘Blog for the Soul’. Yes, I’m letting go of writing them in this form.
My heart isn’t there. It tells me we need to move on. I want my heart to feel acknowledged, fulfilled, loved and cared about in what energy it participates with the rest of me. I’ve literally touched my heart and chest so many times in connecting to my feelings and emotions in deciding how I wanted to shift out of this year.
Since 2004, these soulful blogs have been written with care, love and dedication as a devoted mother would give to her child. They have evolved and grown as I have. They’re 18 years old now and ready to graduate and leave home to make their way in the world in a new way.
The blogs will still be online as they have great information and truthful exposé of intimate experiences. They will also be used on The Moving Beyond Trauma Project website.
Living these last two years understanding what is going on in the de-structuring along with these more recent eclipse energies, has been like experiencing derealization… an altered experience of detachment, unreality from, or unfamiliarity with one’s environment. It’s been like watching myself in a movie. Interesting that is what many say is really happening… we’re all in a movie together.
A storm
I think this detachment has happened because something really new is coming this month, like a storm that will change the trajectory of how the waters enter the shore along with what debris and what new life will come from it. I’m feeling like I’d be swimming upstream against the tide if I continued writing the Blogs when new ways will be needed.
I will be doing more podcasts and inviting others to join me and The Moving Beyond Trauma Project team in sharing stories and tips in trauma healing through non dualistic spiritual experiences. At least, that is one of our ideas. If you have more, email me at jd@theflowofhealing.com as your input is valuable.
Sooooo…here I go.
What I’ve Learned
1. I’ve learned…
That the game of control is to keep others in fear, which really reflects their unhealed wounds.
2. I’ve learned…
That deceit, deception and betrayal easily occurs personally and in the world when we haven’t cleared the trauma energy from within ourselves more deeply. Then it would be victim trust occurring.
3. I’ve learned….
To feel deep appreciation for understanding the systematic ways of mind control that has been broadcasted loudly these last two years, so it can be easily avoided, exposed for what it is, or healed.
4. I’ve learned…
That I have no tolerance for controlled narratives and being told what I have to do to be healthy. There is nothing like a BS detector that doesn’t need validation to operate.
5. I’ve learned…
That small talk, when a war has occurred, is like a pink elephant in the middle of the living room in a dysfunctional family. What is real isn’t shared nor spoken to. This will not continue without it being spoken to.
6. I’ve learned…
How afraid people are of death that they will live in restrictions of their freedoms, and think it’s a ‘normal’ life.
7. I’ve learned…
That breathing unobstructed and freely can never be regulated under any situation as a ‘natural’ response to another’s emergency.
8. I’ve learned…
That what is legal is not necessarily lawful. There is big difference.
9. I’ve learned…
We can see the depth of trauma responses in how easily people’s amygdala can be hijacked and their frontal cortex/logical brains go off-line.
10. I’ve learned…
That living through this unpronounced war of consciousness has had me pronouncing my experience in a much more dynamic way.
11. I’ve learned…
That the fighting mode only exhausts the adrenals and body allowing for depletion; where standing straight in the truth of the matter anchors in a grounded, energized, and present way.
12. I’ve learned…
That my tolerance for willful ignorance has lessened, but that compassion and understanding is there from a distance.
13. I’ve learned…
That letting go of misaligned relationships keeps me open to who resonates with my evolving growth. Not all relationships are meant to continue.
14. I’ve learned…
That asserting free will and clarity of vision creates more of itself to move the world forward.
15. I’ve learned…
That aligning the heart with the body opens up more depth to Creator’s energy
16. I’ve learned…
To lean into, rather than retract from internal emotional pain will free it from holding onto the core. We are not our pain.
17. I’ve learned…
That we exist in a moment of time so make the best out of it in knowing that we chose to be here now.
18. I’ve learned…
That in order to show up for our life, we must be willing to stretch our self beyond our comfort zone on a daily basis. Exercise works!
19. I’ve learned….
That the depth of the pain we release offers us an opportunity to deepen self Love and self forgiveness, which has always been the remedy.
20. I’ve learned…
That Love on this Plane can have boundaries and to use them whenever we feel another’s misaligned expression of Love being forced upon us.
21 I’ve learned…
That ‘being nice’ isn’t authentic nor trustworthy in a relationship. There is a difference between real relatedness and those that are accommodating out of internal obligations.
22. I’ve learned…
That I have deep care and understanding in witnessing another’s trauma responses but may choose not to be around them if there isn’t the inner work done to shift things.
23. I’ve learned…
That there is a difference between complaining or ruminating about things, and noticing or sharing how an experience has affected us and what we’re doing to change it. This takes us out of any victim position.
24. I’ve learned…
To respect my time as precious and sacred, and not place my energy where I feel drained.
25. I’ve learned…
To be present to the feelings and sensations in my body without judging them. This is big deal!
26. I’ve learned….
That to ignore the truth of a situation does not change the reality of it.
27. I’ve learned….
How to discern fear mongering and control different from true educational resources
28. I’ve learned…
That Truth is not competitive. We will all learn what it really is even if we once thought it looked a certain way.
29. I’ve learned…
That another’s interpretation of their own experience may not be the highest Truth of it through All that IS.
30. I’ve learned…
That in using discernment, withholding information from some who are untrustworthy, isn’t lying. It can still be speaking the truth of a situation with lesser words.
31. I’ve learned….
That when I harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere. So I clean up my ship to allow for smoother sailing!
32. I’ve learned…
That forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetfulness, that asking for accountability doesn’t need be an emotional expectation nor blaming. Freeing ourselves from another’s energy supports true inner liberation.
33. I’ve learned…
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person, is to surround myself with people who love, see, and accept me for who I am, trust that I know how to handle life’s challenges, challenge me sensitively and tell me the truth about our connection without being judgmental or angry. They understand how to agree to disagree with care.
34. I’ve learned…
That even though there may be more people acting or doing a certain ‘mandated’ action, unlawful rules are made to be broken. One needs to know what and how real laws exist.
35. I’ve learned…
That integrity to myself and Creator is more important than how others perceive my actions.
36. I’ve learned…
That opportunities are never lost. Someone will take the ones I seemed to have let slip. The Universe has a great recycling center so I can find that opportunity in another form if it was meant for me.
37. I’ve learned…
That the language of expressing oneself has vibratory quality. If we pause and think first, keeping our words honest, clear, and truthful, we eliminate conflict within ourselves…yet we cannot control how another experiences our words.
38. I’ve learned…
That backing a person into the corner in defensive mode will not make them hear us better.
39. I’ve learned…
That it is best to give advice in only four circumstances: when it is requested, when asked if the other is interested; when paid for it, and when it is a life threatening situation. This opens up a space for acceptance and attentive listening.
40. I’ve learned…
Faith against all odds. That my inner knowing will never waiver in what I’ve ‘seen’ is coming for humanity. It is why I’m here at this time.
41. I’ve learned…
That a new earth has already arrived, but the mainstream media doesn’t get paid to broadcast this change of consciousness. Fear sells. It’s up to us to co-create the details as the final chess scenes are being played out.
42. I’ve learned…
That there is a synchronistic timing to allow Truth to prevail. That some movies have longer endings that need to culminate within a Divine order. It takes patience, trust, faith and creativity for all the moving pieces to come together. AND I’m totally ready for this movie to be over!
43 (=7). I’ve learned….
That everything is already perfect because “All Is” Love at the 7th Plane. We just need to see this from Creator’s perspective.
And if any resonate as appropriate Creator’s teachings, feel free to download them on yourself.
Thanks to all of you who have read my blogs over the years and have found them to be of value and support! Newsletters will up date you on my next steps. Know that my dedication is always about trauma healing education and making a difference in the world.
With deep care and blessings in the coming New Year,
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