Quote for Reflection: Atlantis will rise again. ~ Charles Olson
I was listening to a brief video from a young woman, Elizabeth, who had received many inquiries from Starseeds, herself being one, about the intensities of this time. There was an immense amount of fears rising about the jab and technologies that are taking away our health and liberties.
She got downloaded with a message from her guides. Normally I don’t have a big interest in listening to others’ guides since I have connection with my own, but the topic seemed too interesting to not take even a few moments to pause with her in also being a Starseed.
Elizabeth heard that due to the Starseeds’ unconscious memories around the complete demise of Atlantis, we are here at this time to deal with the reflective and collective fear from that time and to clear it now. What happened in the past will not be the outcome that will occur in the present play-out.
I was so very grateful to have listened to her because:
- I gotta be practical here….I didn’t know what to write for the blog in the midst of so much being exposed; and she sparked it for me.
- I remember four lifetimes in Atlantis in full detail. This was between 2001-2002.
- Elizabeth was another intuitive who really got that we are not continuing the domination paradigm or the end-of–life-into-death trajectory.
This last one has been heavily projected by many intuitives in both feeling that we’ll be taken over, and that a new earth is arising as paradoxically as that may seem. It’s like the Part Twos of ‘Back to the Future’ and ‘Matrix’ while waiting for the part threes.
I’ve made a decision that I was not going to give energy to a declining timeline no matter how things appear now. I’m very aware of all the trajectories and am choosing what my body and heart resonate with and what my inner knowing keeps showing me.
I love the validation that continues to be presented. I’m so grateful for those truthers, intuitives and Starseeds who have big public platforms and who keep holding that line of clarity. It helps me to continue recalibrating back to my core when things feel intense.
I also decided that everyone can have their perceptions, but I just wasn’t going to join them in any inductions of gloom and doom. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other topics of conversations and dialogues of interest that aren’t possible between us. It’s just another opportunity to stay with my inner truth and create my boundaries in how I want to engage.
I’ve known for 20 years (here’s that number coming up again for those who have been following me) that there would be a very earthly chaotic time particularly at the crescendo. After remembering my journeys of Atlantis at that time, I knew that many intuitives (master souls) and Starseeds had come here now, in having also experienced those times, to participate in doing the transition differently.
What I didn’t fully know was what the ‘differently’ would look like in the transformation process. It certainly could trigger what it felt like to live in those Atlantean eras if I had not delved into it previously.
For me, I just knew in my core, the outcome of a very new earth that would emerge . I was given those clues and understanding through the Atlantean journeys and through the ensuing years of clearing my issues. I really wanted to be here for this! I literally died and came back to participate. (I feel like crying just writing that).
Past Live Memories
I have accessed well over 300 past live memories (simultaneous experiences) which are all in my journals. Using my training as a clinical hypnotherapist at first and then as a ThetaHealer in connection with Creator, I journeyed to these experiences, some in great detail. Many were very somatically and emotionally felt as well.
I was shown four lifetimes I had in Atlantis. This was over many months. I’m going to share three of them to show you the progression and descent of the Atlantean times. I had to make some of them shorter, or I’d be writing another book.
Second Period of Atlantis
The second period of Atlantis was very advanced in the technologies and use of energies to heal and relate. I was a female psychic surgeon.
My parents were very loving and attentive to the needs and wants of myself and my brother knowing we could accomplish anything we wanted. I was raised in a family that had social recognition and was well thought of among their interconnecting circles of friends and associates. They also had a slight attitude of wanting to be separated from another class of people who they felt weren’t achieving to their full capacity.
Critical judgment was forming. The society was shifting into hierarchal structures where equality was not being fully practiced. This initially went unnoticed but continued to develop creating a second-class type of humans.
I had been sheltered growing up, so I didn’t know this until situations started to arise at the Healing Center where I worked. There were restrictions placed on the type of people who could enter and heal there. People were forgetting that healing was through Unconditional Love, the Unified Creative energy.
We weren’t allowed to bring these people into the ‘pod rooms’ that had different healing modalities. There were other centers where healing apprentices were given the opportunity to practice on these people who were ‘less achievement oriented’. There were not as many of those centers available though.
One day, I was coming home from work later than usual when I saw a man very sick lying on a side area near the healing center. No one had seen him. I could feel that he was a very kind man and close to death. I was able to get another man to help me move him to a back area of the center as I wasn’t allowed to bring him in for help. I thanked the man for his assistance and said I’d take care of things.
I left the sick man there while I attempted to see if someone I trusted might help me move the man into one of the pod rooms. With the assistance of one of my very trusted friends, though hesitant of disobeying the rules, he helped me move the man into the building and my pod room when things became more quiet. We lifted the man onto a table, and my friend left quietly.
I psychically scanned the sick man quickly using both my innate gifts and the use of the healing technologies that were available. He had a brain injury. I went into a deep state to enter my consciousness and hands into his brain with the help of other crystal, sound, and color technologies placed around him.
I was fully focused within his brain when the door of the pod room swung open. The pod area surveyors walked in abruptly. They told me to stop, that I had disobeyed the regulations.
I was in shock that they couldn’t realize that everyone is equally treated in healing and that every person’s life was important. I would not adhere to such separation rules.
They came towards the table to stop me. The energy of these people had not only put me in fear and freeze mode, but this affected the man I was healing. He died on the table. I was beyond anger, shock and grief.
I was told not to return, that not only was I responsible for the man’s death, but he probably died because I wasn’t even prepared to work with this kind of person. This didn’t make sense! Nothing made sense. Everything was twisted.
My parents were notified in being well known in the healing community. They were embarrassed and so disappointed in my actions. They didn’t seem to understand how I felt about all being treated equally. They felt that the other centers could have helped the man.
I decided I couldn’t live in their ways. It was not who I was. I left home and took up ministry with the people who were deemed as not being well resourced with their ‘lack of achievements’. I found acceptance, kindness and a place to use my gifts and skills though with much less comforts of living and healing resources available.
Due to the escalating divisional regulations, life became more difficult. There came a time when my own exhaustion in helping these sensitive people, and the sadness in what happened with the man, my family, and the center, took a toll on me.
I got very sick. I did not want to go to the center for the ‘underachieved’ for I achieved from my heart and what I knew was aligned with the Divine Source. My dignity for who I was and my work, had an important imprint on my physical heart. Returning to Source seemed the best option. And so I died leaving my body clothes behind to return to that Unconditional Love energy in having learned so many virtues in that life experience.
Third period of Atlantis
The third period of Atlantis had changed greatly and not in a better way. It was more technically advanced but deception had grown, more divisional ways, human experimentation was becoming rampant, and nefarious alien technologies were being implemented.
My name was Ashira, and I was a healer in the Halls of Science, an honorable position. I had separated from my once loving husband due to not being believed about the experiments that were going on. He also worked in the Halls, but his skills were not as a healer. His mechanically and rationally oriented mind didn’t understand why I was questioning my assignments.
I worked in a special unit with children who had been conceived and then used in hybrid experiments. The experiments were not going as planned.
In Atlantis at that time, we had communications with off planet alien beings who were bringing in technologies and making covert agreements with those who were in hierarchal leadership and scientific roles called ‘Divine Inceptors’. The aliens had approached our civilization as being friendly and in wanting to help us advance, but they really had another agenda.
They wanted to overtake our society and become our Gods/Dictators. My colleagues were blindsided by the ‘dangling carrots’ of technology that were offered in negotiations. They were forgetting their connection to the Unified Creator energy.
There were many kinds of experiments occurring through the Halls of Science. One was learning to dis-create thoughts that kept us out of alignment with our Divinity. That would not have been an issue if the means to do this wasn’t more like a form of mind control creating great somatic and mental imbalances on those participating in the experiments.
There were openings of Stargates and portals that were being manipulated to allow the aliens easier access in connecting with interdimensionals and lower frequency energies that fit their agendas. They wanted them to come to Earth.
Some humans in the Halls, like myself, were aware of what was really happening. Being able to discuss our concerns or question situations were becoming nearly impossible if we wanted to help in other areas to restore balance and keep our positions. We were like a silent resistance.
Clone cells
Certain families, whose genetics were deemed favorable and were from other class systems, were used in chimera experiments through their offspring. Stem cells and then clone cells from scales of crustacean appendages, like lobsters, were used in utero or even after birth.
Life was not seen as precious like it had been in past eras. Instead, life became a means to settle agreements to advance our technologies forgetting that humans were involved. The virtuous qualities of humanity were being manipulated into sacrifice and suffering for the ‘greater good’.
Crystal mines
We had crystal mines which housed very valuable gems and crystals used in the development of ‘alien’ technologies. The Halls sent in the children with the lobster claws to mine or excavate these treasures. The children were trained to handle them with gentle and delicate precision even crawling into tight spaces.
I was brought in to do healings to stop the progression of these crustacean cells from growing beyond the children’s hands. I wanted to find ways to stop what this horrible experiment was doing to the children health and body. The crustacean scales were starting to overtake all their cells at which point they would suffocate and die.
I wasn’t allowed to discuss this outside of the section of the Halls of Science that I worked in, or I faced possible reassignment, or termination and ostracizing. I didn’t want to make things worse. I wanted to protect the children as much as possible as I loved them. I had none myself, and I felt bonded to them. They were treated well in between their working assignments. I could be there for their care, to comfort and connect with them besides the healing work.
There were maybe two people that I learned I could trust. [Both people I know in this lifetime.] One friend worked in another Hall section with microbes and genes. She initially felt that maybe she could help the children’s plight.
The other friend was a man in different section of my division. He and I had been engaging in deeper conversations when we had food or relaxation breaks. His work was in using the crystals that the children brought back from the mines to make special energetic structures. He designed them so that would emit different frequencies which would bring harmony to the children as well as the possibly of bringing balance in the relationships between humans and aliens. He had seen there were manipulations going on as well. He, like my other friend and myself, saw a growing group within the Halls of Science who were interfering with earthly matters that went against Divine principles.
In working with one particular child, [who was a relative in this lifetime], her crustacean hand cells did eventually take over her whole body. I watched her take her last breath in my arms. It hurt my heart in the grief that I felt.
My female friend, also grieving, and I both felt we had to somehow warn others. Though there were people who cared about the children, they were afraid of losing their security in doing something to stop it.
Meanwhile, I was also in touch with Sirians, a beneficial group of aliens who I connected with during meditation. They would also appear and talk to me as I felt they were somehow family. I was telling them my fear of the aliens’ deceptions. They shared how things could be different in what was going on.
The Sirians said they had technology that could stop the Stargate and portal manipulations. I asked why they didn’t use it. They explained that there had become, through different eras, a hierarchal division creating classes among humans. This lacked kindness and aligned unity.
There were also too many humans who were choosing to let go of their free will and thinking processes to stay aligned with the Divine Source. There was a growing lack of trust between humans.
With all of this, they couldn’t just use their technology to take over in what was occurring because humanity wouldn’t evolve properly if they didn’t learn from their mistakes and learn how to realign their consciousness.
I understood what the Sirians were talking about, but also felt that if something could stop the invasions of the aliens, it would allow time for humanity to pull it together….like they would come to their senses. [I can see now that my thinking was naïve.]
In the Sirians showing me one of their technological advancements, they asked me not to use it. I was being tested unbeknownst to me. Instead of keeping things sacred and being honest, I felt that I could use it to stop the aliens from invading anyways. I went behind their backs, made things worse, and thus betrayed the Sirians’ trust in showing me. I felt deep shame and misunderstood because my intention was only to help humanity.
With the stress of all that was occurring around the children, taking on everyone’s pain, and my feelings in what I had done with the Sirian’s technology, I became sick. I let go of my life as a way of punishing myself for my intentions that were misaligned with humanities’ need to learn in their own evolutionary way.
The Fourth Period
I decided to do another life in Atlantis to see if I could reverse what was happening from that previous lifetime. I again came back with healing abilities.
In this period, the advancements in the Halls of Science were so dark that it wasn’t possible to say anything that contradicted the narrative going on. One would be in extreme danger.
There were technological advancements that were detrimental to the social structures. There was the total manipulation by aliens who had taken over the thought processes of many humans. There was a development of a technology that affected the atmospheric and earthly conditions and weather. This created a vibrational field that would ultimately destroy Atlantis, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
There were some people who escaped to other earthly places knowing this was going to happen. I didn’t even know if I could save myself. I ‘jumped’ with my son who had that ability, leaving behind the man I was in relationship with as the earthquakes and explosions were occurring. Being a jumper was one of my abilities, I was able to consciously shift my body and being to another moment in time for incarnation.
Atlantis sunk down below the ocean waters. I feel that bigger remnants have been discovered though not publicly reported. We will see.
Choices and thoughts
I’m here to remind everyone that our thoughts, choices, and actions matter and count, and that we are so forgivable if we can forgive ourselves for what we didn’t know or understand. With the timing and progression of humanities’ evolution and awakening, I’m happy to say we will not be going down this old Atlantean trajectory. We’ve been there and done that.
Prepare for the changes now! Take this time, with five planets in retrograde including Mercury, to slow down and think what new ways you want to live and create. What kind of new structures of law, healing, food, water, housing, finances, transportation, education, energy, and communication can we bring into form that will be of service and equality for all of humanity? Who do we want to connect with? How do we want to care for each other? What changes do we want to participate in? How do we want to inspire others? What is calling to our heart and passion?
We will be having amazing opportunities to participate in a new world together perhaps more accelerated than Atlantis even if things look chaotic at first. I know we have made it in choosing to be here now.
With gratitude for all our presence now!
Creator’s teachings…Say yes if you’d like to receive the below.
I know what it feels like, how to, when to, the possibility of, safe to, I’m worthy, deserving and good enough, that I can and do (or I am) and have Creator’s perspective of
- In every experience is my connection to the Divine
- Honor my own achievements with dignity
- Recalibrate back to my core in alignment with Creator
- Choosing my inner knowing, heart and body to make decisions
- To live without giving my energy to declining timelines
- To live without feeling taken over
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4 thoughts on “Atlantean Journeys”
I AM HERE FOR THIS TOO! Thank you for this beautiful share Judy.
I so appreciate knowing you recognize this too!
Very interesting, although I have no memories of Atlantis, I do have close in memories of other lives. The last one being a young Jewish girl killed in the Holocaust. Another one being a Native brave stabbed in the back by the Sorcerer standing up to the Black Magic he was calling in right here, on this hill in Mendocino County, as the White’s were committing horrible oppression pillaging with guns and horses…surely winning without the Black Magic…
Also in this lifetime I am a healer working with poor people so we have much in common.
Thank you for your comments, Divora.