Quote for Reflection: “Contrast is the spiritual spice of life.” ~Anthon St. Maarten
Change gears
I’ve taken another week off to write on the revision of the Moving Beyond Abuse book. Though being excited to have some concentrated writing time, I was having a difficultly coming up with a topic for the blog. This was also in part due to feeling so much energy in the crescendo of the planet’s readiness to change gears. The signs are coming out like leaky faucets when the pipes have already broken.
I usually ask Creator to give me a topic when I go to bed at night or wake up in the morning—easy and natural theta states. This time, though, I was answered by the process of two clients around their patterns of beliefs in their story. I thought it would be just perfect in where I wanted to take it.
Profound question
What is often asked of me by many clients who have abuse issues, particularly if they are extreme, is a very profound question: “Why would I choose this level of abuse to go through in this lifetime?”
I’ve explored this myself over the years. I can easily say that it isn’t Karmic retribution. Since Karma is a law from the 6th plane, it doesn’t work from an eye-for-eye energy which would be 5th Plane beliefs. Just because you might have played the perpetrator role in one moment, wouldn’t make you need to play the victim role in the next to redeem yourself or create balance.
So this is what I came up with in connection to Creator.
To One’s Very Core
For many, it’s to know to one’s very core how the Dark have operated on this planet for over 15,000 years plus. This brings the stories, beliefs and patterns to the surface in order to change the harmful effects through Divine Unconditional Love. Usually this will bring those people to deeply know themselves, build virtues, and to bring their healing message or actions to the world in helping others to do the same.
There is nothing like experience to live in one’s truth. People can attempt to deny the reality of those who have experienced or witnessed the energy of the Dark actions, but they can’t prove anything because they didn’t live it. Their opinions or denial have nothing to do with one’s experience.
Another angle is the understanding of contrast between the dark and light. It’s the yin-yang awareness to be able to see how this Third Plane of Existence operates in all its drama and subtleties.
Contrast shows or compares differences. It is also to appraise in respect to differences. It’s important to note both the oppositional natures and having a healthy respect for the differences. This can be done without judgment, making anyone or anything wrong or bad including ourselves.
When we understand that we play roles on the world stage to learn, grow and change, we can hold the overview in contrast to the earthly experience. This allows us to widen our perceptions of how energy operates from Creator’s perception.
Hold a 7th Plane awareness
It’s often so difficult to hold a 7th Plane awareness in healing abuse particularly extreme trauma. Being unable to stay at that frequency may lead to minimizing or distorting the occurrences so not to identify as being victimized, yet it can often have us feeling disconnected from the pure Truth of the 7th Plane.
Acknowledging victim or perpetrator
To recognize that we were victimized yet also have shadow aspects that feel like a victim, can create disbelief and more fear. If we were also forced to perpetrate due to the level abuse unknowingly, the shame can stop the Truth from being shown. It’s not easy to think that harmful actions can be forgivable. Who wants to feel like a victim or perpetrator, and ‘play’ those roles? Most healers sure don’t.
Yet it’s necessary to acknowledge and identify these opposing aspects to be able to heal them. This allows for recognition of the contrasts between the parts of us, and helps us to be responsible for our actions at any moment.
Choose to suffer
It’s also difficult to understand how we would choose to suffer at such deep levels. This, in itself, feels both ‘common’ and unreal because that is all that was known as a child. Again there is this level of contrast.
Return to oneself
Then the journey is to return to oneself from the many aspects that may have splintered. There is also the Inner Child as a soul fragment which can separate creating more soul fragments. That is an understanding of contrast—the one to many and the many back to one.
Learning to operate and experience from our core in moving through being fragmented, is an amazing awareness of self love and growth. That shows contrast, virtues, and how our soul progresses.
And Creator doesn’t judge the contrasts or differences as all of Creation is an aspect of IT. This is the frequency of Love within. Oftentimes that is buried under layers and layers of beliefs, but it’s there.
Punishing God
Believe it or not, many want a punishing God to exist to punish the abuser/s. Yet this keeps the beliefs in oppositional energy such as, “God is a punishing God. God wants revenge. God is to be feared. God wants the abuser dead.”
Then there are the beliefs that “God wants us to fight to protect others.’ OR We need to help God win.’ Win what? Does God fight? Perhaps the God of the 5th Plane does.
These are all beliefs, not truths. You can see the contrasts between God of All and God of the 5th Plane. It’s not how Unconditional Love IS. It’s what the ego wants to happen through a powerful authority energy.
God exists in everything…except evil?
For many with a 4th or 5th Plane spiritual understanding, or even through the wounded Inner Child parts, there is a dualistic awareness of Creator/God as Unconditional Love which is difficult for many. It is often interpreted that God exists in everything…except evil.
The rationalized understanding becomes, “If God exists in evil, then it supports evil and allows the abuse to occur in me.” The person then doesn’t want to be connected to God even though there is never a disconnection. It’s all an illusion due to the abuse and its beliefs. This is the dualist understanding that leads to more victimization.
I remember a client becoming very angry at me because I shared that there was a God Spark in everything, even in evil. That was blasphemous to her. Even though she was very spiritual, those separation issues were pronounced and essential in order to feel protected. It was her holy grail to separate God from existing in evil. Otherwise, how could God be an advocate and winner in her life in light? With how my comment was interpreted, God would have been a part of the actions of evil. The personified qualities bring contrast.
From where I’ve operated for years, with God/Creator being omnipresent and omnificent, where does ‘IT’ not be or exist? Does this Unconditional Love create boundaries in its expression, or do we do this with our beliefs?
In the beliefs of those of extreme or religious trauma, God/Creator is feared and is evil…that is if evil has been identified with a God spark. Gratefully through ThetaHealing’s non dualistic philosophy, this isn’t true for many who experience their spirituality as encompassing everything. What it does mean is that those whose energy vibrates with heaviness, are felt as evil and do horrific things to others without remorse or responsibility to their actions, have made some extremely poor choices in how to operate on this Third Plane.
Decisions to harm others
When people make decisions to harm others with intentional malice, there are karmic repercussions. It’s not about God needing to punish the person, which again would be a 5th Plane belief. Their soul is being given choices in what it will take to develop virtues and evolve to act more wisely and discerning. That is the use of the 6th Plane Law of Free Agency.
If a person chooses not to take the most aligned, loving, or caring choice in how to relate to others, including the same towards themselves, they are still responsible for those decisions with the action that follows. This Unconditional Love gives us free will to make our choices in each moment.
Also, in souls having such choices about their behavior and actions, if people end up being arrested and put to death for their horrendous crimes, this can also be a soul agreement to end their physical life by the choices they have made. It is then karmic.
I’m personally against the death penalty, but when Creator showed this to me as a soul’s choice to exit this way when they had opportunities and choices to do things differently in order to re-align themselves, I had a whole new perspective of these situations. What a contrast!
Past life to demonstrate contrasts
I want to share a ‘past life’/simultaneous experience that might demonstrate this understanding of contrasts and levels of awareness from a non-dualistic perspective. It isn’t something that is particularly easy to discuss because it’s a touchy subject for many, but it is important to understand choices, decisions and the most aligned action.
It has so many similarities connected to what is happening now in the world. What is also interesting is that I was ‘born’ into a Jewish ‘front’ family in the next ‘moment experience’ of my soul journey which contrasted the past ‘moment’ story–another moment choice to change the soul journey.
My name was Aaron Schmidt, and I was an SS officer in Himmler’s gestapo. I was twenty-six years old. I joined with others to protect our motherland against the Jews. I was told by authorities—the politicians and the media– that the Jews had taken over our money, caused the bankruptcy of our country, the depression, and would take us over if we didn’t stop them.
I was also told that they were full of disease because they were perverse with perverse ideas. Through our great leader, Hitler, we would be brought back to dignity, health, and prosperity. In order to do this, we would have to be separate from the Jews and others whose personalities defaced the restoration of our true strength, pride and unity.
As I started to see what was really going on in the arrests that were being made and the way that the Gestapo and German politics were operating–the false stories from the press and movie reels, the segregation mandates, the labeled clothes, and the violence that was occurring–I knew things were amiss.
I had heard rumors of a final solution at the camps not knowing fully what that was. I would discuss all this was another buddy over Schnapps at the local bar. (I know this man this lifetime too) We both agreed that things needed to be looked into more deeply.
I had been assigned to work in invading the Jewish homes, to round up everyone to send them on the trains and camps. I started to hate what I was doing as my fellow officers and myself would burst into homes dragging out families and searching homes where Jews might be hidden. I saw the innocent faces of humans, particularly children in terror and fear. After, we would take their belongings to give to our department or take for our own. It was hurting my heart and soul.
I made a decision to do something about it. I started to warn the families ahead of time who were listed for arrests. When the officers and myself went to arrest them, they were gone.
This started to happen so frequently that the whole department felt that there was a snitch or undercover person involved. I acted along with them in wondering what was happening.
But my cover didn’t last too long. One afternoon, I was at the railway station in Munich. My department had several men there as well as the head officer.
From a distance, I saw along with the other officers, a 13 year old Jewish boy frantically running away from the trains. He was caught by my head officer who started to beat him savagely.
I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I screamed, “Don’t hurt him! He is only a boy!”
The head officer stopped the beating and turned to me. “Ahh, so Schmidt, you like Jews?! Well, I have a job for you. Under my orders, take your gun and shoot him now.”
I was in shock and spoke to the officer in defiance of his orders. “No, I won’t do that! He has done nothing wrong. He is young. He didn’t cause what is going on in our country!”
In a voice of cold superiority, the head officer commanded, “Then you have a choice. You kill him now, or I’ll kill you.”
I looked straight at him, eye to eye, and repeated, “No, I won’t do it.”
Quickly the officer took out his gun and shot me point blank right into my forehead. I died on the spot at the station in 1940.
Pause. Receive a breath. All is perfect. I processed this experience many years ago. The story, though, is as pertinent then as it is now.
Actions aligned with my heart
I don’t know what happened to the boy in leaving my body. I didn’t ask. But I knew my actions were aligned with my heart. I realized that I had a chose in that instant of time to stand in my truth of what was about to happen. I had no idea if the boy would be protected or not from my spontaneous decision. I just knew that this is what I needed to say and do.
Ultimately, choosing my heart rather than harming another could be seen as actions from contrast—choosing right instead of wrong, light instead of dark, action instead of collapse. The opposites come from the 5th Plane perspectives.
It was truly about staying in connection with myself and what felt in alignment to the energy of my values and virtues at the time. It was moving past the deep programming of violence towards others who were seen as different thus scapegoated, and also separating from others’ unlawful orders in becoming one with my heart’s actions.
Precipice of choice
We are at that precipice of choice at this time for humanity. Use the contrast to see and feel what is possible in moving beyond the lies of the media, the propaganda of the politicians, the deceptions and false appearances to understand what is really going on for yourselves and back to your heart.
Feel deeply because action from this place is necessary. That action can just be out in the world or that you stay open to the truth of what is occurring now while anchoring in conscious connection to Creator through meditation. I’m an inner activist so that’s what works best for me.
I trust you’ll make the best decision for yourself as the changing of the guards unfolds.
With deepest care as we evolve,
Creator’s teachings
I know what it feels like, how to, when to, the possibility of, safe to, I’m worthy, deserving and good enough, that I can and do (or I am) and have Creator’s perspective of:
- Aligning with opportunities and choices to do things differently
- Aligning my actions with my heart
- Trust that I’ll make the best decision in any moment
- Live without feeling that Creators’ energy is evil due to existing in everything
- Live without needing to suffer to understand contrast
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