Quote for Reflection: “The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry in your body.” ~ Bruce Lipton
Energy Healing
Energy healing is going to be the new wave in the coming months and future like never before. With all the new technologies that will be made available and alternative modalities that support them, I’m so excited! Jetson’s…watch out!
[Anyone remember this TV program? The Jetsons series started September ’62 ending soon before JFK was ‘killed’. It predicted ipads, robot vacuum cleaners, transport tubes, holograms to try on clothing, robot maids, flat TVs, hover cars, zoom meetings and the ‘Venus’ virus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnWDXA4MQHE]
Many years back, I bought the very inspirational CD series called “Zero Limits” about the Hawaiian System of Healing called Ho’oponopono. It told the story of Dr. Hew Len, a psychiatrist, who worked at the Hawaii State Hospital lock-down unit from ’83 to ’86.
While his unit was full of patients who were killers, psychopaths, rapists and criminally insane, not once did Dr. Len ever meet with any of them personally to help them. Instead, he sat in his office reviewing their files in a special way.
The place was so intense that the staff took off ‘sick’ days often. No one wanted to work there.
Prison and Mental hospitals
Being in the specialty of healing trauma, I know that most people in prisons and mental hospitals have childhood abuse issues, poor socialization skills, drug and alcohol abuse all creating brain chemistry imbalances. It’s some of the big symptoms that rarely get addressed in institutionalized settings because it’s not profitable for Big Pharma or the AMA.
People get held up in a corrupted system that is made to keep them drugged patients or incarcerated inmates for years. I know this to be more than true because my mother and maternal grandmother were two of their victims in mental hospitals, and an uncle was in and out of jail for gambling and alcoholism. All were abused as children.
Misdiagnosed, lithium forced and electroshocked, the system held my mother and grandmother hostage when their dissociative disorders got out of control and the family couldn’t deal with them. Some of the results of the absence of a very unstable parent were that my siblings and I spent many years in the care of housekeepers or relatives while my mother was in and out of famous mental hospitals.
My father worked hard outside the home attempting to provide for us; and for a few years worked for one of the relatives/perpetrators who trafficked me (unbeknownst to my father). When my father wasn’t working night shifts at this relative’s catering hall, he was selling burial plots or life insurance. (no kidding!) Just to say that I don’t feel these jobs were connected to the perpetrator’s actions. My father was attempting to make ends meet with his level of education, skills and stress.
Love and Forgiveness
Through an ancient prayer of love and forgiveness using the Ho’oponopono chant repeated over and over, Dr. Len was actually able to have the hospital unit completely closed down within three years. By looking at each patient’s file and ‘cleaning’ his perceptions of them, the patients transformed.
The staff transformed as well. They wanted to stay working at the hospital, but they weren’t needed any longer. With the patients/inmates being released, only two people didn’t improve. That was because they had just been transferred to that unit as it was closing down.
How could this amazing transformation happen?
100% Responsible
In Ho’oponopono, it is understood that we are all 100% responsible for everything that we perceive in our life or reality. If we see war, corruption, starvation, abuse, the deforesting of the jungles, the killing of children, or a ‘virus’, we are 100% responsible for that reality.
That doesn’t mean we “caused” the situations. There also doesn’t need to be denial in what is occurring. We are instead participating in how core and group conscious emotions, thoughts, beliefs and actions create our reality. People often confuse responsibility with blaming themselves or others, but they are not the same. We have to claim the experience in order to let it go. There is no bypassing allowed.
Clear our beliefs
Ho’oponopono has a very similar philosophy as ThetaHealing. When we clear our beliefs within ourselves in what we experience or feel triggered from the outer, Creation then rearranges itself to a new reality. Ultimately, this heals not only us but others or a situation.
Additionally, when we engage in forgiveness and Unconditional love while choosing to participate either individually or in a group, we project something uplifting and deeply transformative into the world. This becomes a perceptional change and thus enters a new reality.
This is part of the understanding of quantum mechanics or quantum theory—atoms will rearrange themselves in how we witness them. They can become particles or waves to create form in the first 3 Planes of Existence.
It also shows us that an observation of one object can instantaneously influence the behavior of another greatly distant object even if no physical force connects the two. What does that say about how far away our perceptions can effect change and how we can participate in changing the world?
I remember Vianna responding when she was asked about Dr. Len’s story at a workshop. She said that he really worked deeply on himself for the hospital to close down the entire unit.
And Dr. Len said at another time, “We will always have problems to clean on.” It’s “a daily practice of clean, clean, clean.”
The short version of Dr. Len’s chant which seems to help bring up un/subconscious programs and memories quickly for ‘cleaning’ & ‘clearing’ is:
“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.”
If you think about it, cleaning/clearing everything that comes into our perception that doesn’t work for us, is a huge undertaking. No one said life would be totally easy…just worth it in the possibilities that can and do occur. How else will our souls grow and gain the virtues that is needed without some challenges to keep us interested in engaging in this physical form?
Electromagnetic field and our heart
There is an electromagnetic field generated by our heart which is the most powerful rhythmic energy field created by our body. This magnetic field is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain which means our heart energy can override our mental thoughts if focused.
Through many studies from the Heart Math Institute, they have shown that the heart’s electromagnetic field becomes more organized during virtuous emotions or heart-coherent states. How the heart’s field expands can be felt by other people producing measurable effects even if others are five feet away.
Heart coherence is a supportive facilitator in adding strength and effectiveness to our virtues like care, compassion, intentions and actions to help the world.
The planetary electromagnetic field encompasses all of Earth and is made up of the collective consciousness of the inhabitants. Knowing that so many individuals have been experiencing fear, particularly during this last year, what would happen if a focused quick challenge was offered? Would you participate?
March Planetary Challenge
For the month of March, with the many changes that will take place, I challenge each of us to spend a minimum of two minutes a day touching our heart, visualizing its energy expanding, repeat Dr. Len’s chant and/or sending Unconditional Love out to the planet or individuals of your choice to transmute the accumulated heavy energies. I have already started this process on 2/21/21 (=8=transformation).
As caretakers for Gaia, even spending a short amount of focused time with sending out Unconditional Love and care a day can make a huge difference.
Spring is a great time to plant new seeds of change as the New Earth is rising. Let’s see how we can shift things with more ease, commitment, and conscious focus.
Joyfully Participating!
Helpful general Creator’s teachings/downloads you can download. Read, connect with All that IS at the 7th Plane, and say ‘yes’.
I know Creator’s perspective and definition, what it feels like, how, when, that it’s possible, I’m safe, that I can, I do (or I am/am able):
- To be 100% responsible for my reality
- To be conscious to clean or clear my issues
- To live without denying an experience
- To claim an experience in order to let it go
- To expand my heart coherence on a daily basis
- To Radiate Unconditional love into the planetary field daily
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