Quote for reflection: “I’ll make it clear. I’m not a toy. My feelings are not your playground, and my life is not your game.” ~Anonymous
Critical point in the world
I’m not holding back like I did…because things are at a critical point in the world. I’m going to bring this to a deeper level by first going through the heart of the matter and then back to the heart.
A whole planetary panic started without a test that ever worked to determine if there was any big, deadly, extinction virus that was the culprit. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, was very clear that his creation didn’t work before he died. Yet a false narrative continued to spin creating an incrementalized devaluation of life through a shutdown of the world and tyranny replacing care. What an epic storyline that we’re living. It’s such an Emperor’s New Clothes meets Chicken Little theme.
On a deeper Spiritual level, it’s breaking down the old structures to the point that we need to focus our thoughts away from the fear of the past into asking ourselves, “What new reality do we want to create? Can we work to bring that into our vision as the focal point of our experiences? Can we then join with others in this new vision?” What a balancing act!
The intensity of August is to reveal truths, and I figure that it’s time to say a little more about what I know from my inner journey. So I’m going to share some personal ‘truth bombs’ to bring added awareness in being here at this time.
Yea, I’ve ‘come out’ in what happened to me as a child several times, but few know what that really involves in how I (and others) were sex trafficked. It can be way more than even Dan Brown’s book themes. And it’s what is going on in the world now at levels that are far greater than when it was happening to me. The trafficking and ‘viral scare’ are very connected.
Going through those last eclipse series brought me to another height of inner discomfort. I feel like a bursting storage tank of inner information that has been held back for 33 years.
I’ve also been carefully tracking through the outside muck of what has happened around the world for the last 9 months. Actually, my research has connected-the-dots spanning 50 years and fills vast amounts of files.
I’ve been observing and taking note since the late 60’s when I tracked Bush Sr. and the Burma poppy trafficking along with the Vietnam war and Watergate…to the mid 70’s in writing letters for Amnesty International to Stop Torturing Dissidents… to following El Salvador, Nicaragua, and the contra affairs in the 80’s…and into the 90’s with government/corporate abuse of power. At a deeper level, all of this was to continually wake me up to the truth of my own unconscious inner reality.
So my window of tolerance, in listening to the kind of fears and lies propagated by six corporate structures that own the mainstream media including Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Energy, Big Telecom, Big Agriculture & other Government agencies intertwined with a ‘viral’ scare, shows me the patterns of psychological trauma-based mind control techniques in action.
For me, if people use repeated rhetoric of, “Listen to what your government or health officials are saying. Just do it! They know what is best”, it’s one of the broadcasted trauma-based programs in how we are being played at this time…one of their games.
Shadow Government
As many Presidents have referred to the Shadow Government (Military Industrial Complex), why would I want to listen to them anyways?! What I know isn’t only from working with the clients who were abused through these structures.
What happened to me had to do with what the government had set up then, and is connected to how they play with our minds and freedoms now. I understand and traveled the journey. I’ve been unraveling ‘their’ games for years. There is no better way to know trauma patterns and details than living it. So I can say that the illogical and irrational ‘virus programming’ has little to do with the reality of the situation going on now, but it’s one of their games.
I’m not afraid of any virus. I’m not germaphobic. Perhaps I should have been with all that happened to me. But I wasn’t. I always felt Divine Support and often Divine intervention.
What I know is that we need germs. We have germs all over us. When my kids were little, I let them play in mud. They kissed their pets. They ate sand at the beach. They touched their precious faces. They rolled among other kids in germ-filled rooms at daycare and playgrounds, and didn’t die. They experienced real herd immunity. I didn’t take my kids to doctors. I was there healing mom.
Back in 2009, Vianna Stibal (founder of ThetaHealing Technique) said at an Intuitive Anatomy Teacher’s workshop when she was discussing how airplane bathroom water is heavily bacteria-laden, she said to use hand sanitizers instead. I mentioned that they were toxic because they contain Triclosan. She was quiet, and then, with a bit of intensity stated, “That’s because you never get the flu!”
I hadn’t thought of it consciously, but she was right. In the 80’s, I learned how to change the frequency of my body through the energy healing practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu. So viruses are not seen as enemies, and I’m not a victim to them. I have the power to adjust my vibration. I’ve trusted this!
What seems to be intentionally dismissed now, is that we need healthy food, clean water, strong immune systems, and interpersonal connections when things are stressful. In what is occurring, mainstream is bucking natural means of healing and healthy practices through the use of online censorship, and demeaning and bullying language.
And I’m not against whomever wants to wear their masks and sheltering in place thinking this is protecting them. In my research of looking at the many doctors and nurses, OSHA regulators and whistleblowers who disagree with mainstream media, in seeing devices measuring the CO2 we inhale in wearing masks (which is far below any healthy limits), and then these researched people are censored, I’m clear this is one of their games.
I can assure you that many officials do not wear masks when they gather together out of the public eye. In fact, they mock us. How do I know this? It’s one of their games.
Many people have lost jobs. Large and small businesses have been shut down while the billionaires get richer through their corporate hidden non-profit businesses and financial structures. Then these small businesses are told they can reopen …and then they must be shut down again soon after. The lack of consistency in information and orders makes it very difficult to maintain a business. It’s one of their games.
The economy is collapsing, and they are incrementalizing the situations to run more fear. They live off of this fear frequency. It makes them stronger. It’s called ‘harvesting’. I mentioned this in one of our non profit’s FB live from June, ‘When Others Create What You Don’t Want’. https://themovingbeyondtraumaproject.org/when-others-create-what-you-dont-want/
18,000 prisoners will be let out of California privately-owned state prison businesses, and these are NOT just non violent ‘criminals’. They are rapists, child molesters, and domestic violent perpetrators. They have done this in Oakland already. Does this have me concerned? It saddens my heart knowing the effects of such acts on the vulnerable population and the heinous crimes that can occur.
A Non-Profit
With all this, it was posted on a local social media thread about a non-profit that was closed because they opened up earlier than the local Public Health doctor gave out her command. The county’s statistics have been minimal, and the hospitals almost empty, but I knew months ago that the acting officials would increase the numbers in the conniving ways that they do. And they did. It’s one of their games.
That particular non-profit wanted to serve the community and those who work there. These people were running services that support those who have been sexually and physically abused, drug addicts, released from prison after terms served, homeless and lost, and those sex trafficked. They had a program that helped rehabilitate, feed and support this under-served population including 12 Step meetings.
The people using these services really loved what they gained, a community of care. But the county refused to let them open by shouting ‘their increased numbers’ when many other counties were open. It’s one of their games.
Convicted felon
The conversation on the local social media was getting heated. A video was posted of the woman who was one of the leaders of the nonprofit to attempt to shame her. She had been a convicted felon, a bank robber, and served five years in prison. The local posters were saying how horrible she was in being a felon and opening early. They didn’t even know her or the facts.
I watched the video. All I could think was, “Wow, how very brave of her to go public from an emotionally abused childhood to being put in jail, coming clean, and starting a successful program to help support others similar to herself.”
I felt that someone had allowed me into their sacred space. I know what it takes to be that vulnerable to go public. It’s no small feat.
I responded to the readers, “Wow! You just shared someone’s recovery out of emotional abuse and addiction, and are attempting to use this against her character?!”
I was accused of supporting a criminal. I let them know that she had served her sentence thus was not a criminal. She was now supporting the community.
Another woman joined in saying she helped start the organization too. I could feel her words and energy with an undercurrent of bitterness as she wrote that the organization was scamming people, mismanaging funds, using the money for their private use, and falsifying their accounts.
I decided to take direct action. I left the local social media group with a quote from Dr. Gabor Maté:
“We may not be responsible for another’s addiction or the life history that preceded it, but many painful situations could be avoided if we recognized that we are responsible for the way we ourselves enter into the interaction. And that, to put it most simply, means dealing with our own stuff.”
Through some friends, I located the founding heads of the non-profit on another social media forum. One was the wife in the partnership who led the non-profit. I will call her Anna.
What was shared was real, heartfelt, honest, and accountable. Anna was very hesitant at first to respond to me. We didn’t know each other though we had two people we were mutually connected to. But she could feel I was coming from a place of care, openness and a genuine desire to understand the situation.
She also heard from me that what was being said needed her input as it was slanderous. Anna was open to knowing more, wanted to read what this local social media was sharing. I posted the comments for her to read.
Anna wrote that she was proud of creating the organization and ‘her tribe’. She also had lawyers and accountants who could back her up in what had really occurred. Every accusation that I posted, Anna told the story of what occurred with examples asking “Why would the person say this if these other circumstances had occurred?” She was open about the audits, accounting, inventory, public accessibility to them, and a great deal that she didn’t need to share…but she did.
Unfounded accusations
Anna mentioned that the woman who had accused her had a 10 year history of unfounded accusations. Even the board and the woman’s husband couldn’t figure out why she would behave in these ways.
What I figured out is that they were dealing with a woman with a dissociative disorder who had not been diagnosed. When I described the types of behaviors this included to Anna in simple terms, she affirmed that the woman’s actions were exactly what I had shared.
Considering Anna had been working in an organization that helped those with addiction, 98% of these kind of behaviors come from childhood abuse. So it wasn’t difficult for me to connect-the-dots.
As we were completing our connection, she said with power in her words, “We are in trouble as a society when we take gossip as truth and when we find excitement in the dissolving of a nonprofit that was obviously helping people. Residents do not pay for their program. And yes, they work to earn their way through their program where housing and high level of personal development training and services plus vacations are provided. Btw…Countless other programs across the U.S. operate this way. But if people have a handout mindset, this will offend them. If you ask the residents, they love their jobs, and it builds self confidence. Earning a living is a GOOD THING.”
Anna owned her past in having acted as a convicted felon by saying, “Did I do wrong in my 20s? Absolutely! I have been public about that for the sole purpose of bringing hope to those that believed there was no hope.”
“We designed the program this way because we saw what wasn’t working. We shared our story at the risk of being judged, which we have been. And we count it a joy because at the end of the day, after all the hype and lies of the media and social platforms have silenced, our grads lives are forever changed, reunited with their children, employed, off of government assistance, and now productive members of this county.”
Breath of Fresh Air
We completed our correspondence with her relaying, “Thank you for caring enough, being of extraordinary character and reaching out to me directly. No one else did. You are a breath of fresh air.”
I felt very touched. I also felt very guided to make this connection and find out the truth. In these times when people are being so polarized in the ways they communicate and give hearsay, it’s a breath of fresh air (without a mask) to encounter others whose hearts are intact and live from their truths.
Can we all be able to step up to the plate, even in small ways?! I know that many of you are finding a passion at this time. Don’t give up. Stay with your heart. We all make a difference. The moment is NOW!
With deepest care,
Helpful Creator’s teachings/downloads
I know what it feels like to, how to, when to, that it’s possible, that I can, I do (or I am/am able to be):
- Accept another’s disagreement without feeling discouraged
- Plant seeds of Truth
- Live without gossip as Truth
- Own, or take responsibility, for my past
- Live without feeling a victim to a virus
- To see the ‘games’ without feeling overwhelm
- To know that ‘games’ can be unraveled and changed
- To know that we can all experience a breath of fresh air
- We can be a breath of fresh air for others
- Recognizing the behaviors of child abuse
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