Quote for Reflection: Too often we… enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.~ John F. Kennedy
Alice in Wonderland logic
So much is going on planetarily and astrologically that it feels like Alice in Wonderland logic is in operation. Things feel in a time warp rushing forward. Social and political polarities feel like reversals with hidden games twisting and turning through the plots. The top is becoming the bottom, and the bottom is being the head. Nothing makes sense, and the logic is hard to find. Coincidentally, it turns out that there really is such a social engineering program based on Alice in Wonderland’s confusions. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/alice-in-wonderland-technique-the-power-of-applied-confusion
Astrology is one way to help to make sense of the patterns that are occurring in this strangely heavy Pluto retrograde energy which started at the end of April. Actually, Saturn, the planet of limitations and constrictions, was conjunct Pluto (death and rebirth) at 22° Capricorn during the eclipses in January. This landed within a few degrees of my birthday. It definitely set the tone for 2020 particularly as we are going into eclipse season starting June 5th.
The role of the Saturn-Pluto’s conjunction is to destroy what’s outdated and construct a new reality, a reality which can better sustain life and growth. The breakdown has certainly appeared messy so far. What has been said by some astrologers is that there is a ‘revolution’ that will transform the world. The U.S. chart is being hit intensely with both lunar eclipses in June and July plus a mega eclipse on June 20th. We will also have 5 planets in retrograde.
There is logic to these energies depending how we experience them in connection to our personal chart, different areas of the world, and how we all move through them. Will it be a fighting ‘revolution’ or a ‘revolution of consciousness’?
Brief Discussion of Logic
It seems to me that a brief discussion of logic supports how critical thinking can occur. Are you aware that logic first appeared in the Western cultures through Plato’s Dialogues? Essential elements were embedded into the structures of speaking and writing at the time. Then Aristotle followed suit by beginning to codify the study. These two men created the surge for deeper awareness in how thought can work so it could be carried on to the future.
When a logical approach and the true field of scientific inquiry (without political interference) are brought together along with the intuitive mind, there is great advancement for humanity. Research and experimentation absolutely need a logical and rational approach. It’s the way that connecting-the-dots or linking evidence to conclusions can happen.
Scientific studies involve replication with matched results through use of specific rational methods and standards. There is the observation of natural phenomena to formulate a hypothesis and modify it by testing the hypothesis through vigorous experimentation. This helps to establish a theory based upon repeated validation of results.
The whole system will de-structure and collapse without logical reasoning along with integrity of reporting of accurate results as a core basis of using this essential structure. These elements of logic and virtues (accuracy and integrity) can also be connected to social interactions.
Reversing of Sanity
When I was a child, the many who abused me, including my mother, acted in ways that I felt a complete absence of logical or rational minds operating. Everything was helter-skelter. So much didn’t make sense. When the mind games and abuse were almost daily, one starts to wonder what is sane and rational. What was insane and irrational started to become the every day reality of my life. This reversing of sanity is what is happening today. I experience it as an intentional societal mind control programming.
It was said many times by my father, that my mother wasn’t acting rationally. This was definitely true since she had a major dissociative disorder, and he was clueless of this. The doctors called it manic-depression. This had a great deal to do with the insanity that occurred for her in connection with the doctors’ tortuous protocols….electro-shock treatments. Her illogical, irrational actions depended on who, within, was showing up for the interactions with the outside world. Continual shock is what is happening in the world today.
Picture of a sign…snitch
So when I was on a social media format for my local area recently, a conversation was started over a picture of a sign posted. It basically stated that people are being supported to call the ‘authorities’ or snitch on others who aren’t doing as the ‘health authorities’ say is necessary.
The person who posted wanted to know what others thought about this sign. I could tell she was concerned and wanted confirmation that this was an issue. I knew snitching was being supported in Los Angeles, but hoped it would stay there and stop.
I had a knee jerk reaction. Being of 100% Jewish DNA, being raised across from a subdivision that had signs that said, “NO blacks, jews or dogs allowed”, the genetic memories were waving their hands to be remembered. My emotions, intuition and my logic were actually engaged.
I can definitely relate and support people for speaking up against unlawful restrictions, deceptions, injustices, and thinking beyond what is being proclaimed as true. In also being raised through trafficking and abuse, I would not have untangled all that occurred had I not questioned the family and world’s narratives and my own memories.
Not only did I question, but from 1990 to 1998, I periodically reported some of those who abused and trafficked me in being in contact with that city’s police department. That was a time when various police departments had a level of care, integrity and investigative professionalism to uphold some laws, particularly if the person appeared white. To report, speak my truth, be questioned and believed, were amazing experiences in trusting my process and Creator. This reporting was before one of the family perpetrators ‘donated’ to that city police department. Vianna had actually told me not to contact them after ’99.
Snitch comments and kindness
Some of the snitch comments from that local post felt very unsettling, but I decided to speak to it through questions. I was really taking a big risk. Obviously, taking risks are not unfamiliar to me.
To question the official narrative when people are under severe conditions, in utmost fear for their livelihoods, their finances, their relationships, perhaps their housing and next meal, becomes a delicate area to tread. I feared I could risk reprisals or more. To me, this is what happens in dysfunctional, authoritarian style families in how implicit or explicit threats are embedded into everyday interactions.
That particular social media had asked those participating to engage in being kind, but the level of logical and kind responses were anything but that. The tone and words were to squash any dissenting questions or viewpoints.
One man was calling a 30 year professor of critical thinking an idiot and a conspiracy theorist. This disrespectful attempt to shut down any further conversation that goes against an ‘official’ narrative, shows the lack of mature dialogue that has become a popular and disrespectful style of communication.
My oldest daughter was on a debate team in high school, and how they would research, practice and debate was rationally and logically based. It was so enjoyable to watch their growing intellect take a position and follow it through with information to back it. It made sense whether I agreed or not. They didn’t go for the person’s character, but stayed on topic from the viewpoints that were to be discussed.
So I was reported for asking questions. I wasn’t thrown off the forum though. It was a private threat by the same man whose ad hominem tactics were hurled at the professor. It seemed that the forum didn’t see that as an unkind issue.
I was going to respond publically to him. I had my response to him ready to press ‘post’ when I felt a little fear in my body. I decided to check in with Creator as I wanted to make sure that I’d stay safe.
I heard that though I would not be stalked or hurt, I was asked if I wanted my time to continue with those who do not have the capacity to go beyond where they are at? Or did I want to focus my time where I could get my message out to those who would learn, grow and further the energy of what is possible with the knowledge that is available? I then saw images of more of the same…where my time would be engaged in more wasteful energy. I deleted all that I wrote, and my body relaxed.
Something very engaging did happen. Another woman had seen my posts prior, private messaged me saying she appreciated what I had written. She could tell that I had thought things through in the questions I had asked. They were logical and kindly written. We ended up on a phone conversation in a meaningful dialogue. I felt I was gifted by letting go of what didn’t serve my time and energy.
We are at the cross-roads that has never occurred in the history of this planet. The closest that I remember in scanning this, is the great flood and Atlantis (which didn’t shut down the world). We can no longer hide from the earthly realities that are with and before us. It’s essential to keep an open mind as things are not as they appear. Researching and feeling into our experiences deeply with love and acceptance, will help us to feel grounded in the midst of destabilization and repositioning.
Our virtues of courage, bravery, honesty, discernment, alignment with Creator, creativity, purposefulness, cooperation, honor, idealism, openness, truth, unity, connection, vision, wisdom, morality and intelligence are so needed. What will change this paradigm is through Unconditional Love, not through making others wrong or right, or fighting through this.
For clarity, there is a difference between fighting to get a point across and standing in one’s truth. The former is about proving oneself.
There is also a difference in working with one’s needs to experience health in knowing one’s experience and an expectation toward others in how their health and safety are required and mandated. When controlling mandates and presumptive models of health are based on inconsistencies and manipulated reporting, logic has been subverted.
It’s also essential that part of standing in one’s truth is seeing where we project into the group conscious soup of fear, doubts, disbeliefs, hatred, resentments, and grudges. This is the work that I consider most holy and transformational in clearing. The 4 level belief work changes the quantum field.
Since our thoughts create our reality, let’s use the knowledge and answers from Creator-of-All to move ourselves safely to the next level of co-created reality. I did a video on this topic that is in June’s newsletter, and it is also at: https://themovingbeyondtraumaproject.org/truth-and-trauma/
More people are using humor, commentaries and videos to show many illogical inconsistencies in the political and health mainstream narratives. You can check out this cleverly presented short parody to see how things are being shared with humor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC_lZLzCrOI&feature=youtu.be
Below are some inconsistencies that I viewed through videos or read about in independent and even mainstream media sources. I have the links for all of them. Creator’s teachings are above them.
Together, in using logic, critical thinking, independent research, and intuition connected through All-That-Is, change in the highest and best way is more than possible. Additionally, clearing our own issues in what this virus event brings up, will help us shift the world trauma paradigm to a co-created reality of peaceful co-existence using Unconditional Love.
With deep care and hope,
Helpful Creator’s teachings/downloads
I know what it feels like to, how to, when to, that it’s possible, that it’s safe, that I’m worthy, deserving and good enough, that I can, I do (or I am/am able to be):
- To be logical and intuitive in tracking what is going on in the world
- To be a part of the revolution of consciousness without fighting
- To question what is being presented as the official narrative with logic and intuition
- To be logical and kind
- Live without putting another down to stand in your truth
- To connect with Creator to experience the path of safety for you
- To feel love and acceptance in the midst of deep change
- The difference between getting a point across and standing in one’s truth
- To live without proving yourself (who you are) to stand in your truth
- Difference between working with your needs to experience health and expectation towards others in how health and safety need to be mandated.
✍When the ‘State’ uses the PCR test, which gives 80% false positive results, thus guessing who is sick or isn’t, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ adds presumptive virus cases and requiring medical doctors to list almost all deaths as coronavirus into the statistics, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ almost empties hospitals in letting go of medical personnel, but conspires with the media to have people line up outside the facilities to film those who are ready to be tested, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ tells nurses their days are cut but are not allowed to speak about anything against mainstream medicine or their decreased hours, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ insists that all viruses are harmful yet there are 380 trillion viruses on and in our bodies, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ fails to report that flu vaccines given prior to testing will show up a positive for the corona virus testing, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ uses CDC statistics, a private corporation, to show how many people are being infected, and there are lawsuits against this corporation for falsifying information prior, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ tells us that the definition of herd immunity is 95% vaccine coverage to achieve immunity when it’s always been about 68% of the population allowed to build their own natural defenses through contact with others who have the disease, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ medical official tell us on February 17, March 8 and 9th 2020 “Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask,” but changes his mind two weeks later, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ tells us to that we have to wear masks either outside or in stores when it is known that excess CO2 causes hypercapnia, unclear thinking, is toxic, increases sympathetic overdrive and cortisol levels, decreases our immunity, causes panic attacks, confusion, depression, dizziness, arrhythmia, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, and coma, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ tells a woman who sits on a park bench alone that she is contaminating others, gets arrested by 4 police who are without masks or gloves and put her in their squad car, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ tells you that some of the essential businesses are liquor stores and abortion clinics, but gyms and dentists aren’t, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ takes away essential workers’ children, or newborns from their mothers who gave birth, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ mandates quarantines for non-sick people, which increases child abuse and domestic violence with the courts being closed, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ releases felons and sex offenders instead of keeping them separated through SIP with masks on as specified for others, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ pounds into every media outlet that SIP saves lives while eight states have not implemented them nor social distancing along with Sweden, and there isn’t any big issues more than flu statistics, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ allows the rulers to take their families on a trip on their private planes and walk around in another more open state without masks, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’s official’ says on March 26, 2020, in a written publication that, “The overall clinical consequence of COVID-19 may be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)” , and three days later the same person states something completely different to the media, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’s official’ says on April 3, 2020 “I’ve looked at all the models, I’ve spent a lot of time on the models. They don’t tell you anything. You can’t really rely on models,” and then says 2 weeks later, says he supports the models to shut down the economy, it’s not about our health
✍When the ‘State’ supports ridicule and harassment of renowned doctors around the world who say that the studies do not indicate a pandemic while the corporate and social media will delete or censor these professionals, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ tells us that we can’t get our hair cut, but the state Senators can get their stage make up, botox and their hair done for TV appearances during the week, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ supports information from WHO, a corporate agency run by a non medical person who was a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a violent communist revolutionary party which was listed as a terrorist group by the U.S. government in the 90’s, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ enforces SIP while the Telecom industries are putting up 5G at the schools and cities’ poles, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ uses drones, Alexis, contact tracers and our cell phones to track our every move, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ gives Pharmaceutical companies release of all liability for injuries from medical substances and vaccines, it’s not about our health.
✍When the ‘State’ gives medical authority to a non-medical billionaire whose friend was a famous pedophile to track and vax us, it’s not about our health.
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1 thought on “Critical Thinking for Intuitive Minds Part 2”
Thank you for voicing this Judy!