Quote for Reflection: We make our world significant by the courage of our questions & the depth of our answers.~ Carl Sagan
Truth with a Capitol ‘T’
In doing a FB live with my team partner, Leila, on April 19th, we spoke about Truth with a capitol ‘T’, the 7th Plane experience, and the other levels of truth that are variables of it. At these variable levels, there are the truths that have been written, spoken and broadcasted on this 3rd plane. How do we discern these as our deepest Truths on this earthly plane?
One way is feeling into oneself in connection with All that IS. Our somatic experience allows us to feel how our bodies relax or tighten, feel restricted or expansive, feel heavy or light, feel sad or happy. It’s also how we can engage our imagination and our rational, critical-thinking mind together. Well-practiced intuitives use both together.
Critical Thinking Skills
Critical thinking skills are fast becoming a lost art though a very essential aspect of being a mature adult. There is an elemental structure to thought which takes analyzing and practice. People are quick to become reactive without taking a pause to shift through some key factors about their thought processes. Questions are a great way to exemplify or get clarity on the issue or problem.
The key structure includes identifying:
- The issue or problem
- Purpose, goal or objective
- Point of view, what angle of perception or orientation
- Information, data, facts, observations, concepts, theories, definitions, principles, models and experiences
- Implications and consequences
- Assumptions, taking things for granted, presumptions
- Interpretations inferences, conclusions, solutions
People using critical thinking skills and intuitive abilities can:
- Identify patterns, similarities and links between ideas, thoughts and beliefs
- Recognize, appraise and build upon these patterns by the questions and responses they use from listening to others.
- Determine the relevance, necessity or importance of discussing an issue or problem
- They can make choices to engage or disengage depending on their needs and the energy of the communication exchange
- Identify inconsistencies and errors in the reasoning process based on the key structures of critical thinking and their emotional engagement criteria
- Approach issues or problems in an emotionally regulated, consistent, caring and systematic style
- Be able to see the others’ point of view with empathy and understanding even if they disagree.
- Reflect on the justification of their own assumptions, beliefs, and values
Ask Creator
Another way is to ask Creator, listen to the answer and keep asking questions at different angles so we understand the depth of what we are wanting to know. Our connection and communication with Creator sounds like our own voice but with a quality or resonancy of pure Unconditional Love. We can ask Creator how to dialogue, and what will happen if and when we do.
Some listen to what is going on outside themselves solely as truths, and this may lack discernment in what is really Truth. This especially occurs when everyone is being faced in a one world direction, and where a difference of perspectives, even questioning, becomes a social platform for intolerance, repression, hateful projections, injustice, ad hominem, and astroturfing.
That is where the trauma childhood coping mechanisms are projected– hierarchal power (power-over), control, dogmatism, repression, oppression, and indoctrination. These are running more overtly at this time for those who are intuitive and feel this heavy energy.
Links Broken
What I have noticed, as have many who were taught both intuitive development and critical-thinking skills, is there appears ‘holes’ or links broken in the stories or narratives happening today in why we are shut in worldwide over a virus. Do you realize that this has never happened in the history of this planet?! A tiny virus!
We know how to work with viruses in ThetaHealing and in many other healing modalities. Everything is frequency, energy, a part of All that IS, and microbes are part of the 2nd plane. Why would this virus be different? Why is it the ‘enemy’ when all the other ‘killer’ viruses seemed to dissipate without the world stopping or humanity locked indoors?
Do you know that I never get the flu and have never taken a vaccine for it? Back in the mid 80’s, I taught myself that the flu is a frequency, and I can change my frequency so the virus won’t be interested in using me as a host. If this is possible for me, why not others?
What if we are genetically more microbial than we think? According to Dr. Shiva MD, PhD, we are part of a human and microbe interconnective synergy: 6 trillion human cells, 380 trillion viruses, 60 trillion bacteria, a small number of fungi. If we take this information and pause with it, look again at the number of viruses in and on our body, we should have never made it this far if those microbes were an issue on their own.
What questions would we ask differently from an official narrative that is telling us that we are being attacked by COVID-19 as the Absolute Truth?
What people and systems are involved with creating this narrative? Are these players trustworthy prior to this happening? What were their connections?
These few questions are where my critical thinking mind goes.
Further Probing Questions
If COVID-19 virus is some kind of bio-weapon or even deadly enough to wipe out most of us as some want to profess, I have further probing questions.
On Facebook, I created two lists of probing questions at the beginning of March when things were starting to intensify and shut-ins were beginning around the world. I merged them and then separated them into similar lines of questions for this blog. I pose these questions here again to feel into, because they are still relevant. I’ve added a few more because of the information that continues to be shown to me each day. They come from a holistic perspective.
We knew before this event that the Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can show up in inflammations ranging from the common cold to SARS. It usually causes common-cold symptoms, infecting the nose, sinuses or upper throat, and are spread through sneezing, coughing or direct contact.
✍If the test takers, the doctors, the researchers and the companies who sell the PCR test, avoid an open frank discussion with highly qualified independent researchers, can the former actually say that the disease exists in deadly ways for all? If not, than for whom?
✍If a positive PCR test is used to mean the patient “has the epidemic disease”, where is the prior proof that this test is testing for a virus that will actually cause this disease since it gives an 80% false positive?
✍Why is there no proper testing for this so called emergency virus, yet everyone who is even thought to have it, is lumped into having some deadly contagious form?
✍What does this do to the statistics?
✍If the test says nothing reliable about how MUCH virus is in the patient’s body, does a few fragments mean the person has the ‘deadly’ disease and the body can’t fight it off?
✍Could this then mean that what is being called ‘deadly’ may not be more than people getting sick because of immuno-compromised systems or perhaps with other conditions really going on?
✍Is age factors and other known conditions being looked at in who dies?
✍Why is this ‘virus’ being healed with Vit C right in mainland China and US?
✍In India, why is homeopathy being successfully used?
✍In the US, why is ozone therapy, light applications, and colloidal silver being successfully used?
✍Are you aware that there are 2 subtypes of viruses?
✍Did you know that Endogenous viruses lie dormant in the body?
✍ Are there times when microbes make us sick, even fatally?
✍If so, could another perspective be entered into the conversation like ‘host susceptibility’ rather than attack by an enemy?
✍Are toxin levels ever checked?
✍Did you know that toxic substance and pollutants create a landing base for viruses to release from or attach within cells?
✍Have we seen this demonstrated in those whose systems are out of balance by factors such as toxicity in our environment (pollutions–electro-magnetic frequencies, nuclear radiation, pesticides, herbicides, toxic injectibles– all not created for actual sustainable life)?
✍Did you know that Exogenous viruses come from the outside to enter cells and that the immune system will naturally notice these invasions?
✍Did you know that the immune system either ignores the viruses or mounts a defense to defeat them if it’s not compromised in some way?
✍According the Alliopathic model of medicine which is based on the Exogenous understanding, were you aware that scientists/researchers believe the mere presence of the viruses signals trouble (illness) when there are billions of viruses that help the body?
✍Did you know that Pasteur, the father of the ‘germ theory’, actually recanted this on his death bed? http://www.susandoreydesigns.com/insights/pasteur-recant.html
✍What if we don’t think of microbes as enemies but part of a healthy, thriving ecosystem?
✍Did you know that Exosomes come out of the cells when it’s too toxic and look just like what is called viruses?
✍Even with sophisticated tests, did you know that virus or exosomes can show up with researchers mistakenly assuming they’re doing damage when they’re not?
✍Have we not seen and witnessed healings knowing our own thoughts and beliefs, both conscious and unconscious that regulate our systems, need to be in balance?
✍Is not Unconditional Love (7th Plane), where we witness a change of microbes that are out of balance rather than destroying the microbes?
✍Did you know that working with the beliefs of worthiness can be successfully used to change viruses?
✍Could we consider and apply that everything serves us somehow?
✍And when we find out how, can change that service so that it’s possible that the internal and external human terrain can change?
✍What are the possibilities that viruses can change quickly so there are really no issues?
✍How was Royal Raymond Rife able to change dis-eases in the 30’s through frequencies so much so that the gov’t went after him and his machine to eliminate the credibility of both?
✍What if we are truly resilient beings?
✍How are hand sanitizers going to work, like Purell, which the FDA says it can’t even kill flu germs or ebola and causes serious health effects?
✍How are masks going to work when depletion of oxygen can compromise the immunity and the virus can easily go through it?
✍Why did the other corona viruses, like SARs, ebola, not wipe out the world like we were told?
✍How are the development of the corona vaccines without proper testing really going to affect the populace, and who is investing in these vaccines to be fast tracked?
✍Why is 5G being pushed so quickly and has been installed in China, Italy and rolling out quickly in the US and other countries?
✍Why is the media hyping this when millions die of pneumonia (which can be a corona virus) and it never became a state of emergency?
✍Is the media reporting accuracy or fear?
✍Do you know how to discern the two?
✍Do you trust all medias and know who own it to be forthright in their reporting with integrity, truth, and honesty?
✍ Do you know the difference between true leaders and rulers?
✍What if rulers (or heads of states) carry the ‘war’ mentality so that it is often used to denote not just external wars, but those that they want us to fear within…like the ‘war’ against COVID-19, other diseases, or terror?
✍What if this goes along with public health policies around the globe promoting the ‘perceptual thoughts’ that we are decades behind in the science of immunity and we should turn our power outside ourselves to sustain this opinion?
✍ What if it’s possible to take a position different than engaging at this level of internal ‘war’ where we can experience ourselves separate from the Health Drama Triangle?
✍Why do we have to be victims to a model of dis-ease that may not really be true or exist?
✍Would it then be possible to work with our inside and outside world in a very different way…not at the effects of being attacked by a microbe or by others, but what we need to do to bring ourselves back into balance, harmony and homeostasis, come back to our core, our sacred place?
✍ Is it not possible to use our healing art of choice to realign how we work with ourselves, our clients, the public in a way to move out of trauma and victim paradigms inside and out?
✍What do I mean by this? You can check out November and December ’19 Blogs for the Soul to understand another angle of human relationships that is easily applied in understanding our relationship with our natural environment and body too. https://theflowofhealing.com/blog
✍Is it not possible to provide access to actual clean water and air, proper sanitation, and nutritious food?
✍Couldn’t treatment approaches change from toxic drugs that suppress and harm the immune system to substances that help boast and support us in order to do what our bodies were so brilliantly designed to do when properly cared for ?
✍Isn’t this already happening way before this crisis?
Here are some added bonus questions on the effects of the shut-downs
✍How many children should starve in order to make people feel safe and healthy?
✍How many families must go bankrupt in order to make people feel safe and healthy?
✍How many partners and children must be stuck at home with an abusive spouse/parent in order to make people feel safe and healthy?
✍How many business owners should lose everything they’ve worked for in order to make people feel safe and healthy?
✍How many people are you comfortable with committing suicide from hopelessness and financial ruin in order to make others feel safe and healthy?
✍How many sovereign and freedom rights should we give up to satisfy the authorities that we have rights?
✍What numbers are people going to be comfortable with to feel safe and healthy before we witness devastation that goes beyond imagination?
Witness the change
For me and those who use ThetaHealing Technique or other non-dualistic modalities… Remember… we have been given a precious gift to witness the change of atoms, frequencies, beliefs, and life through Unconditional Love at the 7th Plane. Is any dis-ease more unsafe and powerful than this?
When we combine our rational mind engaged with critical thinking, our intuition and somatic experiences, we can live a life without fear of being victimized and engage more with our curiosity, wonder and a deep knowingness of Truth.
With deep care,
Helpful general Creator’s teachings/downloads
I know what it feels like to, how to, when to, that it’s possible, to I’m safe, that I can, I do (or I am/am able to be):
- Experience my critical thinking mind and intuition through All that IS
- To question the official narratives using my intuition and critical thinking mind
- To know that Creator is part of all life including viruses which can change in the highest and best ways
- Use my somatic experience to experience Truth through All that IS
- To use probing questions to All that IS to know my Truth.
- To know the highest Truth through my personal embodiment aligned through All that IS
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