Quote for Reflection: Feeling compassion or forgiveness doesn’t mean the traffickers and abusers can stay in society in the ways they act out. ~Judy
[Note: To better understand the 7 Planes of Existence mentioned throughout this blog, please check the below link and scroll down to the document named as such. [https://theflowofhealing.com/resources-2/]
Past lives
From March’s blog, I asked myself several questions around the many past lives or simultaneous lifetime that I’ve experienced where I played in perpetrating roles, and whether I was unforgivable. The answers:
As a former clinical hypnotherapist, I can trance myself to other ‘past’ experiences and have for years. I’ve experienced many simultaneous realities that seem separated due to this Third Plane of Existence being affected by the Sixth Plane’s Law of Time (in a linear time frame).
To say the least, not all of those events were aligned with the highest and best intentions, motives or actions. I saw myself act in ways that made me shutter and cry in the present. I would never think I could be so cruel, inhumane, and objectifying as in some of the memories I remembered from other historical times.
For clarity, this is NOT why I went through being trafficked and abused in this lifetime on a spiritual level. Karma doesn’t work like that. It isn’t a punishment or an eye-for-an-eye mentality. It is a Sixth Plane Law of pure consciousness. It is about action and opposite action but not according to limited human judgment. This may be a new awareness for some who base their understanding from the dualism of the Fifth Plane of Existence.
Each time after I remembered, I was asked by my 3rd person observer or Higher Self, “What did you learn from that lifetime?”
And I would ‘see’ what I decided, gained, lost, and learned. This was before ThetaHealing Technique, so I was already delving deep in understanding my motives and finding compassion and forgiveness for the ways I acted towards others and myself.
I stopped doing past life work for a few years until I became ‘One” (from having DID/Dissociative Identity Disorder, August ’19 Blog) as I felt that my concentration needed to be on the Inner child work and keep it within this lifetime. It was a good decision for me because in this life experience, it’s easy to want to bypass what is so horrific and unbelievable.
NDEs and Divine Justice
In having NDEs (Near Death Experiences), I remember that Souls are asked what they wanted to learn from their earthly experience and where they felt they didn’t learn it. This is from the angle of the feelings and experience of the others. This is an aspect of Divine Justice after dying.
This actually means that how incarnated Souls affect other beings through their misaligned decisions, actions, and harm of others, was all ‘noticed’. That can be quite an intense realization particularly in the awareness of being witnessed by beings of Love and with that All-That-IS energy. Yet there is no judgment like what we might think. Souls are always learning. ‘Outside’ this Third Plane, it isn’t by punishment unless that is what the Soul wants to create in their unforgiveness of themselves.
In remembering my childhood NDEs, I didn’t want to come back. Children are not asked to ‘look’ at whether they have hurt others. They are just loved and blanketed with Unconditional love by other Light Souls.
The Light beings and Masters would show me why it was necessary to return, how my absence would impact a great deal of others who were counting on me including future generations of my family lineage. This was not very consoling to a child who could hardly bare to live with the tremendous amount of abuse that was being inflicted. Leaving my body to go ‘home’ had become much easier and more comforting than remembering what my mission was.
I was also told that I had a spiritual team to help me, some in form, and I would make it. I needed to remember that I volunteered to make a difference and felt I could do this journey through the Darkness in bringing a deeper awareness to humanity.
I have friends who remember me from in-between times, and who remember asking me if I thought I could do my mission in form. It seems easy when you don’t have a physical body and are surrounded by Love…like a brief thought. But those body suits sure create a ‘weighted’ and separated way of experiencing one’s earthly stage costume and role.
As I continued my work through ThetaHealing and really felt a stronger connection with All-That-Is more consciously (rather than dying), I realized that nothing makes me unforgivable to this Divine Unconditional Love!
Even when I projected on and raged at Divine Creator, I was LOVED. Even when I got in my own way…my old beliefs and memories about myself, when I felt shame so deeply that I thought I’d shatter more from whatever core I had. I was LOVED.
In experiencing myself as having been totally dehumanized–of feeling I should be in an abyss, a void, away from everything and everyone, of being nothing/non-existent–I was LOVED.
Even when I couldn’t recognize or feel I could receive this Divine Love, I was LOVED (and am loved). What a landing to now know that I am part of this LOVE, so there was no way I wasn’t being LOVED.
This Divine All-That-IS has no requirements for me to acknowledge my own birthright in being part of this LOVE. I trust this completely now, but it sure was a process and many years to get there within myself.
That is also why those who trafficked me are forgivable even if they don’t heal, or ever acknowledge what they did to me or are doing to others on this earth. It’s their Soul choice to learn in difficult ways too if they want to.
Why do I mention difficult? What is the possibility, on a spiritual level, that their tortuous acts are a belief program that they have to devaluate themselves in their actions to find their true power and essence?
True Power
I wonder how many of you might consider that ‘the role of a sex trafficker’ isn’t a position of true power. What if their ‘power’ is really hierarchal structures of overpower and control, not true power at all?
The traffickers’ power structure is perceived by them, by those they victimize and by many in the world as greater than everyone else and even more than All-That-IS. In the Drama triangle, it’s the persecutor role. [October and November ’19 Blogs] It is embedded in a false premise that keeps the traffickers and everyone that buys into their hierarchal power structure, spiritually , emotionally, mentally, and oftentimes physically oppressed (and obviously in danger if being victimized).
Also consider, “What is the difference between the traffickers’ power structure and those who rule the world’s countries?” I honestly don’t see much of a difference in the ways I was trafficked.
I also discern between rulers and leaders. It’s rare to see a world ‘leader’ who isn’t part of a hierarchal power structure and isn’t bought into it, thus we are in great need of true leadership on this planet.
Hierarchal power ends up in the belief systems as, “The perpetrators are greater than All-That-IS.” Or “The perpetrators’ power is greater than my own.” Thus True Power would then need to be differentiated.
Does the Traffickers have True Power as a virtue?
I often felt that they couldn’t find or had forgotten their own God Sparks and the true alignment of their Real Power. It seemed they wanted to own the reflection of this by using the innocence and Light of children which seemed the most pure to them.
They also thought they could possess this Pure Power and Light through negating or bypassing their virtues, thinking they needed more of this Light or had less of it, twisting all structures of human morality into a dualistic rationalization, and feeling separated from Unconditional Love/All-That-IS. This is how the ‘lower/heavier’ Fifth Plane realm vibrates. If this kind of pattern is repeated over and over, it becomes a program that is driven deep into the unconscious to project into the world. We do not want it to play out further.
These people who play this hierarchal game will need to deal with their polarizing, false perspectives when they die…or perhaps they will wake up before. It’s between them and All-that-IS. That’s another part of Divine Justice in my experience.
Peace of Mind
Forgiving isn’t about the other person’s peace of mind. It’s about mine! It’s about my energy that I unconsciously put into those who abused me. Sometimes it was to keep distance by creating a boundary. Other times, it was a way to somehow think I could wake them up to their horrific acts of inhumanity and degradation.
But in truth, why would I want any part of myself, my energetic power cords feeding into their body, energy, and the ways they dehumanize and abuse?
That is what I actually witnessed intuitively–these energetic cords connected to those who hurt me; and I didn’t want any attachment to them. I learned not to cut the cords as they can grow back, but witness a release back to me washed, rinsed…cleaned through All-That-IS in order to reclaim my energy and true power.
We can call forgiving, releasing (letting go of) the other from what they are teaching us at some level. It’s such a high vibrational word, act, and the greatest protection.
By-the-way, we are never being asked to forget in order to let go, to forgive. Why would we want to? That’s denying the truth that brought us to the point of release.
I also do not need to allow any of the abusers back into my life in forgiving them. That would be a huge lack of discernment and common sense, particularly if they are still acting-out their cruel and inhumane ways.
It took me 34 years to sort through the repressed and suppressed memories to piece together my real history. I own it now…not as an identity piece, but as my Truth of what happened to me. No one can take that away from me in whatever they say or do to the contrary. But how I share it, uses a great deal of discernment.
Freewill and choice
In addition to all of these other reasons, ultimately my healing has supported me in remembering that I have freewill and choice in the present. It’s my choice to still be able to share what happened to me when it feels appropriate, safe, timely, and authentic to me. I have a voice, and these blogs are a way of expressing my voice as well.
The beauty of the healing is I can make my choices based on being present in the present. That is such a big deal!
And if I trigger, I can acknowledge what I’m experiencing or feeling, and where it originally comes from. I can then return my cords, release whomever hurt me from what I’m learning from the situation, and realign the virtues through All-That-IS. Then I’m able to feel the somatic, emotional and spiritual shifts. That is my empowerment! It’s my healing! This is the purity of ThetaHealing Technique in what it’s taught and supported me with.
So when I heard one of the people in the group [March ’20 blog] explain to ‘Forgive the perpetrators and then make them suffer’, that is not forgiveness. That’s revenge.
The revenge within served me until it didn’t. It was a process of awareness, releasing and awakening to a new way. I still look at areas of my life where revenge energy within or projecting outside might sneak in or be unconscious on subtle levels. We don’t know what we don’t know until it’s awakened, acknowledged and explored.
God Spark
It was in 2005 when Vianna took us up to the 7th Plane. I realized that this was the energy of the Unconditional Love, the God Sparks, that can be seen/felt in each person. It was not fully a solid ‘I KNOW THIS’ on all levels. I had a lot of faith, trust, and a continued willingness to experience this awareness. I still do.
I wasn’t using that awareness to visualize the God Sparks in others though. When I started doing this practice, I saw that that this Divine Love really ran through even all the evil-acting beings and what they created too. There wasn’t a place that Unconditional Love didn’t exist.
Is the wind storm separate from the air we breathe? Or is it just a different velocity (frequency)? Is not everything interconnected through aligned spiritual principles and teachings? Would this Divinity be separate from those who use evil?
It certainly could be in the dualistic and hierarchal 3rd and 5th Plane awareness where LOVE is perceived as separated from us for the many reasons I’ve shared.
In non-dualistic spirituality, even the interconnection between all of us is Unconditional Love. Our cells receive it through the ATP in the mitochondria.
To put all of this into my personal experience, when I could really focus on the God Sparks in each traumatic memory that arose, knowing the Divine Sparks existed in everyone and everything including the traffickers’ darkest acts of depravity. the staged play of being the victim started shifting and falling away.
Redirect the Play
I stopped identifying as being part of the Drama Triangle with the other actors who perpetrated. I was starting to redirect the ‘play’, dropping the curtain (the veil, the illusion), and leaving the stage that was created to teach me to complete the lessons, add virtues, and evolve my Soul to the next level.
When Shakespeare’s character, Jaques, in the play ‘As You Like It’ spoke that, “The world’s a stage and we’re all actors,” there were no truer mystic words that resonated for me about the healing journey. This was really a big shift for me. It helped to rearrange things faster.
Non-dualistic perspective
So to say the least, I developed my own integrating ways of healing that kept me feeling more in alignment with All-that-IS using the non-dualistic principles of ThetaHealing® Technique.
If we really want to truly understand this level of spirituality, consider reading or re-read the Basic ThetaHealing book that was just revised, the Advanced book and The Planes of Existence. The philosophies of the cosmology and cosmogony are so beautiful and practical if it’s actually felt into, understood, and utilized.
And know that there are many possibilities of healing abuse and the planetary trauma because there is intelligence, creativity, imagination, hope, insight, and the ever-flowing connection of the Divine. Since we are the co-creators of our lives, we must be conscious of our choices. Let’s use them wisely and with heart-based care and discernment as our world is rapidly changing. Learning to separate what others ‘think’ is true (opinions) in what one knows is True through All-that-IS, is a big difference. It takes courage to stay with that.
At what point do we say STOP and NO MORE to the cycles of abuse?! Do we actually recognize them? The ‘metoo’ movement has helped, but there is way more. This can only be done through our individual and collective healing within, and bringing forth our virtues into action. It’s essential that we find those places within that are misaligned and need attention to support making the inner changes that can drastically affect the outer.
Feeling compassion or forgiveness doesn’t mean the traffickers and abusers can stay in society in the ways they act out. There definitely needs a place of separation to heal their ‘woundedness’ and to remember what they participated in.
Instead, think about and envision what restorative justice and rehabilitation possibilities might be. These could include deep therapy and many forms of healing and healing technologies which could be integrated.
And it doesn’t mean that the perpetrators won’t create their own demise, their own suffering through their misalignment within themselves as the energies they work with are so dense and heavy. There are karmic repercussions and that is between them, those they hurt, and the Divine Love to work out.
There is deep appreciation in knowing that I don’t need or want to carry that kind of burden in deciding another’s fate. This is where revenge cycles often filter in when introspection and healing isn’t maintained.
Initial Questions & Summary
To sum up the initial questions in March’s Blog:
- Yes, we can have compassion towards those who are guilty of sex trafficking.
- Yes, sex traffickers are worthy of experiencing compassion.
- The right thing is what lies in our hearts in connection with All-that-IS.
Even though the world is probably in the biggest shift ever, the principles that I’ve shared stay the same:
- there is but one energy of Unconditional Love that we are apart of, and we can create our reality there in each moment
- core alignment with our deepest Truth through Divine Source
- take action without revenge but with core, true Power
- communicate from the heart but use your boundaries and discernment as well
- discerning the hierarchal (‘power-over’ or ‘power-under’) opinions from the highest Truth of what is the real earthly undercurrent
- separating our energy and highest Truth from group consciousness fears or projections
- standing in our conviction without overpowering others
- removing ourselves from the Drama Triangles to de-structure the hierarchal controls
Decisive and discerning actions will move humanity to the next level when LOVE is acknowledged as the deepest inspiration. This is the time! It’s going to take courage and strength of our Spirit. It’s going to take expressing ourselves in ways we didn’t think we could. It’s going to take feeling powered from within. Can we do this? Can we change the illusion to support the future generations into true freedom? We will know soon enough. Every one of us count in this shift!
Please feel free to share my story and March ’20 blog. My journey is important to the evolution of human consciousness, a journey that few come through to share the non-dualistic healing connected to Unconditional Love.
If you are unfamiliar, the non-profit that I helped form with my two partners, Debbie and Leila, has a mission to help educate and heal those who have gone through childhood abuse and trauma using the non-dualistic approach of the ThetaHealing Technique. We offer free resource materials such as podcasts, FB live and self care to support those healing or learning about trauma. We are now able to receive donations, and you’re able to receive US tax deductions. Consider supporting The Moving Beyond Trauma Project by going to https://themovingbeyondtraumaproject.org/donations.
With deep care and love for all that humanity is going through and for each one of us in healing!
I extracted possible ‘theme’ beliefs from the story. Energy test yourself, practice clearing through digging if applicable, check if they are your ancestors’ beliefs, and use Creator’s teachings including the ones below if they fit.
- The Law of Karma is punishment (no)
- Eye-for-an-eye/revenge settles Karmic debt. (no)
- I use past life work to bypass this lifetimes pain.
- Divine justice still needs revenge.
- I have to die to know comfort and ease.
- I volunteered to come to earth to make a difference. (yes)
- My shame makes me unforgivable.
- My acts of intentionally hurting others makes me unforgivable.
- Trafficking is a position of true power.
- All power structures are aligned true power.
- I keep my energy cords in others… to protect myself from them…to wake them up.
- Hurting others through revenge serves me.
- I’m able to visualize the God Sparks in those who hurt me.
- I have to stay in contact with those who hurt me.
- I make my choices wisely through All that IS.
- Traffickers have to be killed to make society safe.
- Sex traffickers are worthy of compassion.
Helpful general Creator’s teachings/downloads
I know what it feels like to, how to, when to, that it’s possible, that I can, I do (or I am/am able to be):
- To have Creator’s definition of Law of Karma and mine is aligned
- To have Unconditional Love settle Karmic debt
- To feel safe to work on this lifetimes challenges.
- To allow Divine Justice to operate without needing revenge.
- To really live and experience comfort and ease
- To accept my mission in making a difference.
- To accept I am forgivable to Creator in whatever I’ve experienced, felt or has occurred.
- To know the difference between hierarchal power and true pure power.
- To be safe to release my energy cords in others as I am protected through Unconditional Love
- To release my energy cords in others to wake them up. Creator guides them.
- To release revenge from its service and recognize Unconditional Love is present
- To recognize the God Sparks in others and still see the truth of their actions.
- To have discernment in who I want to stay in contact with and without an obligation to stay connected
- To make my choices wisely through All that IS.
- To live without deciding another’s fate by death. I allow Creator to guide their fate.
- To allow compassion to flow and still keep my personal boundaries safe.
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